Updated Comcast Xfinity apps coming for Windows


New member
Dec 16, 2015
Good news for anyone on Comcast. I contacted them about apps for Windows 10 and this was their response:

"I know how important it is to know the availability of your mobile app features on a specific devices. I will be more than happy to assist you with your inquiry/concern.

Just to set proper expectations, our app management is currently working on the agreement with the Windows team. Once it is approved, they will launch the new version of the app which is available for any windows devices. We don't have the specific date as of the moment but we will keep you updated a week before it's launching at the xfinity website.

It is however expected to be launched early next year or on the first quarter of 2016.

To recap, we have informed you of the update on xfinity TV Go and TV app availability on windows devices."
Great news, I don't have Xfinity, but getting support from such a large cable provider is great news. Hopefully DirecTV will follow.
Here we are a year after this post and still no app for Windows 10. I guess this never happened.... :unhappysweat:

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