Is windows 10 mobile ready as a daily driver?

Christopher Lindsay

New member
May 8, 2014
I have a 1520 on 8.1. Is the current version windows of windows 10 mobile ready to be a daily driver? If so how do you go about upgrading?
Nice question
Same thinking
I'm big windows fan but wm10 will never be a complete os
Forget official roll out
I think we will die as an insider....
Bugs are still present but none severe. Also still a bit slow on my 520 I think it's a good choice to upgrade now
Using my 950 as a daily driver has been excellent. I won't pretend the bugs aren't there but they don't interfere anywhere near as much as the forums might imply - so long as you don't do group conversations through the Messaging app.

Some games are also prone to crashing and poor optimisation but that's an inevitability until those developers update their apps.
I think the OS itself is ready as a daily driver. However, some of the individual apps need a bit of work. As Zeem Frostmaw said, the bugs are there, and some things will crash, but I don't spend all day fighting to get my phone to work.
Via wwindows insider app

Personally I wouldn't recommend updating via Insider unless you plan to hard reset. It's not that a straight Insider update is bad, but you shouldn't expect the same kind of smoothness as you get from a new phone with W10M and the relevant firmware.

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