Using Apple keyboard with Windows 10


New member
Jul 3, 2012
Hi everyone!

I use Apple keyboard since Windows 7 (I constantly switch between Windows and Mac machines). The way to use it with 7/8.1 was to make your own keyboard layout with Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator (KLC). With KLC you make your own (correct) layout and then build a setup package that you use to install the new layout that appears in Region and language menu. You choose your new layout and it's all done. It worked just fine until Windows 10.

In Windows 10 after installing my new layout I can see it as an option and I can even add it as a 'new language' but I can't use it for some reason.

I even tried installing Apple drivers from their Bootcamp Windows driver set but that didn't do anything either.

I'm using full wired UK Apple keyboard btw.

Any help would be greatly appreaciated!
It's working!

To anyone who was wondering the solution is based on the same Keyboard Layout Creator (a working version of what I was trying to do myself). As I'm not (yet) allowed to post links here the way to get to the guide and the files that I used to resolve this google 'Apple Aluminium Keyboard Windows 7 MikeCann'. The first link should get you there.

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