ASUS X550L - Windows7 - No Networkdriver - How do I get Win10?

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Sep 16, 2014
ASUS X550L -> Windows7 -> No Networkdriver -> How to get Win10

I know I know, this might not the right forum to ask, but to be honest, I have no Idea, where I should ask so here is the story.

Two years ago I bought a new Laptop with Windows 8 on it (I liked it pretty much), but last december I needed to do a fres install and I used a Windows 8.1 CD to do so.
My Windows 8 licens, wich I sved before the fresh install did not work, because I needed to install a windows 8 first ...
I could not do that, so I asked Microsoft what I should do and if they can help me. The only thing they said was, that I should send my Laptop to Asus, so that they could do it for me. I did not send it to Asus, because I thought I could get a work around and I had a Desktop Pc wich worked perfectly.
In the first day of this year my appartment burned down and well I have no PC anymore ... **** happens

Some stuff survived and I found an old Windows 7 installation CD and a few old Codes of mine.
Smart as I thought I would be I installed Windows 7 and wanted to upgrade to 10 from there. Sadly Asus has no working Driver for my networkadapter under Windows 7 and I cant get Windows 10.

I used a surftick to get the SP1 for Windows 7 and I tried to download Windows 10 but I need 4 hours for 3%...

Does anyone have an idea, how to get windows 10 on this little ******? Without buying a new license of course.

I think my key wont work with Windows 10 until I do an upgrade from my actual version. Microsoft said something like "the key need to be activated under windows 10 befor you can use it for a fresh install of it"

: /

Do I need to wait patiently for Windows 10 to download via the surfstick?
Re: ASUS X550L -> Windows7 -> No Networkdriver -> How to get Win10

Hi, is your Windows 7 legit? Also what is the network card you can't find a driver for? There's a few places around to get drivers. Bit odd that Asus wouldn't have it as they are typically good with support.

You can get an ISO for Windows 10 from here -

You'll need your Key from Win7 SP1 - How to Find Your Lost Windows or Office Product Keys or How to Find Your Windows or Office Product Key | PCWorld

Instructions - Why can't I activate Windows 10? - Windows Help
Re: ASUS X550L -> Windows7 -> No Networkdriver -> How to get Win10

Yeah my Windows 7 is legit.

How can I identify my Networkcard? If I try to look it up in my systemmangager it only say Unknown.
I guess I need to look up my Asus and find the anwser through the internet right?

Asus said that this laptop has no drivers under Windows 7 because it were produced for Windows 8 ... if I had only known that before :D
I have the ISO to create an installemnt CD for Windows 10, but I fear as long as I havent aktivated my Windows 7 Key through the Upgrad to 10 it won't work on a clean install, at least somebody at Microsoft told me that.
Re: ASUS X550L -> Windows7 -> No Networkdriver -> How to get Win10

I'd be very surprised if there were no Win 7 drivers for the network card.

What's the model of your laptop? I'm sure I can find it. You'll have to obviously download it somehow.
Re: ASUS X550L -> Windows7 -> No Networkdriver -> How to get Win10

It says on it's back ASUS X550L I don't know if you need to know more. And thank you so far :)
Re: ASUS X550L -> Windows7 -> No Networkdriver -> How to get Win10

There are several models of X550L.

Taking a stab, I'm guessing you have Realtek hardware. My suggestion would be to go to their site and download a generic driver and see if that works for you.

Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't.

There were some drivers at the Asus site but they were model specific and even though they said they were for W8 or W8.1 they may still work with Win 7. So that's also an option.
Re: ASUS X550L -> Windows7 -> No Networkdriver -> How to get Win10

Yeah go to Realtek's website and download the network interface card drivers from there, it should work.
Re: ASUS X550L -> Windows7 -> No Networkdriver -> How to get Win10

Well the Firmfirewall blocks Realteks website ... geez how unlucky can this day be here :D

Thanks for the help so far, I guess I need to try it at home via my GF computer :(

So an surfstick enables you to use the internet even without a functional networkadapter, is there some kind of tech which allows you to use your home-wifi? Like an external networkadapter/card?

I will try it with the windows 8 drivers if something works, I'll post it here :)
Re: ASUS X550L -> Windows7 -> No Networkdriver -> How to get Win10

You can get a WiFi dongle that fits USB. That's something to consider if you get stuck until you upgrade to W10.

They're not expensive and you can buy them in a shop.
Re: ASUS X550L -> Windows7 -> No Networkdriver -> How to get Win10

So the idea with the dongle worked just fine, I had a bit trouble to start the upgrade but now everthing seems to work :)

Thank you everybody for helping me out here :)

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Re: ASUS X550L -> Windows7 -> No Networkdriver -> How to get Win10

Win 7 Drivers for Asus X550L are available on the following page.

I have also included a screenshot for the page with the name of wireless adapters used in Asus X550L.


Hope this helps.
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