Please Help, Stuck On The Same Version of Windows Since August


New member
Feb 28, 2015

In August, I upgraded from Windows 7 to 10 with no problems.
When the fall update got released, it didn't show up in my settings (and I still don't remember it ever showed up).

I am stuck at the same first version of Windows 10.

I enrolled in the Insider Program, got new builds, and I try installing new builds as soon as they get released, but same problem.

Installation starts with copying data, then ends at 30%. The laptop restarts and installation is at the process of "Installing Drivers & Features". It can't go through that point and I get a message saying restoring your previous version of Windows.

Please help me to be able to get the new updates and new builds!

I have an HP M7 1015dx Entertainment PC, came with Windows 7 (serial key on the bottom of the laptop).
have you tried downloading the iso and installing from there? how much free space do you have on C?
I have 748GB out 909GB. And no, I haven't. I dont know how would this solve the problem but I am going to try it right away.
I am currently downloading the ISO file for the build, and I am going to try to find out how to install it. I would really appreciate it if you send me a link that you think has a great guide. Sorry for asking too much.. haha
Once you have an ISO of 10586, mount it and run setup. Tell it to keep everything, it should be pretty easy.
if you simply want the upgrade, I got the simplest way for that really, no usb or anything needed, just download the build 10586 iso here

the steps are easy, select windows 10, not N or whatever else, select language etc then 64bit version and it will download the iso, after it completes simply open it, windows will mount the image(if it doesn't, try "open with: windows explorer) then open setup.exe inside the fake cd drive and the steps are easy from there

if for whatever reason it fails, it might be the recovery partition hanging over from w7 isn't big enough, you may need a tool for that since the windows one wont likely let you edit that partition, just let me now

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