Well, this is awkward


New member
Aug 29, 2013
Can someone send me a link to download windows mobile store app from windows store :unhappysweat:
There is no 'windows mobile store app'.
Do you mean the 'Upgrade Advisor' app?

Not really, I mean "store app" for windows 10 mobile
I recently updated to windows 10 mobile, but store do not show any app updates. Then I realized there was a update for store as well, this one: Store app updated with interface tweaks on Windows 10 Mobile | Windows Central
but still store doesn't show any updates. I'm trying to update apps manually :sweaty:

Does that make any sense?

I have the same issue on my l830. The store cant find any update.

What should I do? I did a hard reset to get w10m.

If you are sure that your store app isn't picking up updates I'd suggest soft resetting your device - hold down the volume down button with the power button and keep it held down until you feel a vibration. If this doesn't work you could try hard resetting your device and starting again (you'll lose your own personal data though).

However if it's an issue with the store specifically it could be a regional problem and temporary.
Thanks for the answer. I already tried a soft reset but doesn't fix it. I change the region and still no updates. I know there's update because the last news bout camera and photo apps update.

I hope somebody knows a way to fix it. Hard reset took me a day to configure all my apps!!! Sad!!

Thanks again
Try installing windows insider app (IF U DID UPDATE THROUGH THAT) and login. It may help. It happened to me while trying to get language update long back.
I didn't update through windows insider. Thanks for the help.
I'm preparing myself to the hard reset drama but it would be nice to know if hard reset will fix it without a doubt.
I had a similar situation recently with the updated "people" app, where it didn't show up for several days (maybe a week; I don't remember now) after the update was released despite me checking daily. Finally it just appeared one day. No idea if it's because they roll things out in waves, if there's an issue in the store or on the server, but it's possible that if you keep trying it may just show up one day.

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