Can I safely upgrade to windows 10?


Active member
Feb 25, 2013
You may think this is a dumb question, but the last time I upgraded to W10 my pc blue screened within 24 hours. That was like 6 months ago. Has Windows 10 improved since then? Can I safely upgrade without worrying about my pc blue screening? There's nothing wrong with my pc, it has very decent specs and it runs very smoothly on my ssd. I really need some advice from you guys, how do I ensure it won't blue screen again?! Reinstalling w8 and everything is SUCH a big pain, it's awful, I don't want to go through that again...

Also, does anyone know when the offer for a free upgrade will end?
BSODs are usually caused by hardware-related issues, such as incompatible or buggy drivers. You might want to check the manufacturer's website for updated Win10-compatible drivers and firmware. Video cards, sounds cards, chipsets etc. could all be potential problems.
Drivers are softwares written by the hardware vendor although sometimes modified by the OEM's that translate instructions from the component to the OS. In other words drivers translate instructions so the OS knows what to do. So if the drivers cause problem the hardware doesn't work correctly.
No. Windows 10 does not fully check if it compatible with your device. You may well end up with a brick. Better check with your hardware vendor before upgrading. Better still, stick with your current working OS. Windows 10 sucks in so many ways.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Might help if you post more information about your was stated the BSOD is often caused by driver issues, video card drivers are notorious culprits.
As was said, check manufacturers site and make sure everything is up to date, and try again....

Sent from mTalk

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