Apps installed to SD card won't update?SP4


New member
Jun 16, 2014
So, I'm using a SanDisk 200Gb microSD card with my Surface Pro 4, and have been installing apps to it without issue. However, I've noticed that no app installed to the card will update--they return the same meaningless error. If I move them back to the SSD (c:\), then they update without issue.

Anybody else see this and/or know of a solution?
Re: Apps installed to SD card won't update

Hi I dont have a solution but can confirm this happens across the two hp stream boxes i have for my kids
If the SD card was write-protected, it wouldn't allow installing apps at all, right? So I don't think that could be the issue.
If the SD card was write-protected, it wouldn't allow installing apps at all, right? So I don't think that could be the issue.

The write protection could've been turned on after they were downloaded to the SD card. It is easy to accidentally move the switch on some cards.
The write protection could've been turned on after they were downloaded to the SD card. It is easy to accidentally move the switch on some cards.

Yes, that's theoretically possible. Note though that again, apps (continue to) install fine to the card, they just won't update.
Okay, so, here's the solution: the SD card must be formatted as NTFS. Mine was formatted as exFAT, and that was the issue.

I reformatted, move all of the apps to the SD card, and then a couple of them updated without issue.

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