Windows 10 upgrades will cost $119 starting July 30th

Teen Games

New member
May 4, 2016
"In an announcement of 300 million Windows 10 users, Microsoft has started driving awareness of the July 29th date. "Time is running out," says Yusuf Mehdi, who heads up Microsoft's Windows and devices marketing efforts. "The free upgrade offer will end on July 29th and we want to make sure you don?t miss out." After July 29th, Microsoft says you'll need to purchase a full version of Windows 10 Home for $119 or get Windows 10 on a new machine." (

What do you think about this?
I think this is what they said would happen.

People can upgrade for free today. After July 29th they pay. :)
Good that the Free offer stops. So the people who are nagged by the popup can finally have a rest. and also the people who needs the latest n greatest (after XP & 7) OS on their Machines for FREE can make their minds.
Fair enough. At least they're giving users plenty of time to catch on and decide with the early announcement. And lol, the popup annihilation is a side benefit I haven't considered.
My lad has a games PC and a laptop that he can choose to upgrade for FREE, he also has an Xbox One and a Lumia 930, I told him a year would pass quicker than he thought and he is still on 8.1.

He lives in a house full of Windows 10 stuff.

He says he doesn't like 8.1.

Yet with just two months (And a little bit) he still hasn't done anything, I have reminded him a couple of times, when we get into June I will give him his last reminder, if he is foolish enough to not upgrade when it's FREE then it's up to him.

Like every one else he was given a year, I would have thought any sensible person would not leave it to the last week when the servers could be a little busy and if something does go wrong you could end up out of pocket.

and if you CHOOSE not to upgrade then it's down to you, don't go moaning about it.
This concerns me for one reason. A month ago my tablet running Windows 10 was running horribly, couldn't update because the update wasn't signed and was like that for a couple months. So without finding a way to fix it I decided to do a system restore and start completely over. I HAD DELETED all of the 8.1 files from my tablet after updating to 10. Somehow when I did the restore I ended up back on Windows 8.0! I had to go through all the updates for drivers, software, and Windows. It was annoying and took me 3 days. So my concern is if for some reason I have to restore again and end up back on 8.0, will I lose my "free" version of Windows 10?
You're restoring, probably, from a system image partition. Just refresh the then current Windows 10 install
I am sure there is a link around here some where to download the iso....burn it or make a thumb drive so if you have to start over you start at 10.

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