Windows 8 Wasn't Bad

Norris Rochelle

New member
Apr 17, 2014
Now that a large percent of the market has Windows 10 we should really sit back and look at Windows 8. With Windows 10 being a huge upgrade can you compare the two and say Windows 8 was good? I most definitely can. When we look at Windows 8 we see Apps, Tiles and a Robust design. A lot of people disliked Windows 8 simply because of how complex it was and the overall appeal. A lot of people forget that Windows 8 was made with touch screen devices in mind and produces much better results when using a touch screen. The snap feature worked well on my Windows 8 Tablet when I had to watch a video and do work at the same time. I wouldn't mind having Windows 10 on a tablet but Windows 8 seems to fit the device more but Windows 10 would be great on a PC or Laptop. What was your favorite feature about Windows 8? Do you like or dislike Windows 8?
I upgraded a laptop to Win8 soon after it was launched. It was hardly the disaster that many regarded it to be, but it got much better with 8.1. I'd also say that 10 is basically the polished version that Windows 8 should have been.
MY first smartphone was a Nokia Lumia 810 running windows 8 and that phone to this day gave me the least problems of any phone I have had since.
I don't remember any stuttering issues while scrolling or crashes with win 8. Everything on that phone worked the way it was supposed to.
But I think that phone didn't make a half a year before it was eol'd. The 925 on T-Mobile was the successor to this phone, which I wound up getting. Looking back, I think the Lumia 810 was a better operating device overall on win 8.
Wish I had kept that phone.
Neither was Windows Vista after SP1. The undeserved hate for Vista was too much. I don't know about win8 and w10 as i haven't used them. Am happy with Win7.
I upgraded a laptop to Win8 soon after it was launched. It was hardly the disaster that many regarded it to be, but it got much better with 8.1. I'd also say that 10 is basically the polished version that Windows 8 should have been.
It was definitely better than what most made it to be. I wouldn't necessarily say W10 is the polished version of 8 because 8 was unique in numerous ways. I'd say Windows 10 is a polished version of windows 7.
I have to say I thought 8 was pretty bad, I couldn't find anything, 8.1 0n the other hand was very good and 10 with a few more improvements by far the best but is this new ?

3 wasn't much cop, 3.1 a big improvement and that finally got me to ditch Digital Researches product GEM.

95 took one or two attempts to get going (And an awful lot of the icons were copied from GEM in my book), 98 wasn't the polished product until the third edition.

NT 3.5 was a dinosaur compared to NT 4, I am sure I could add a couple more.
It deppends of the user perspective. A lot of people here are a bit more advanced on user experience, so discovering all Windows 8 news wasn't that hard. I used to think things like "mom it's not that difficult", "hey, you just need to...", "why don't you just hover here?", but it's not fair with people who weren't engaged on this kind of experience. And it wasn't hard only for them: once you familliarize with 8.1 and 10, coming back and trying 8.0 feels... broken. Sure, 8.1 really solved huge problems, maybe it all could have been different if it was the first release.

But, as an aspiring designer, I really liked it. I can't say it was 100% consistent, but it's more solid than 10 in design terms. The charms bar was a really good touch experience and I wish it had continued in 10' tablet mode (replacing the sections with cortana, devices, start, settings and a new one for the notification area icons). I understand the new proposal of a constant proccess and things always being uptaded, but it opens room for unfinished and unpolished things that really decay the system.
Neither was Windows Vista after SP1. The undeserved hate for Vista was too much. I don't know about win8 and w10 as i haven't used them. Am happy with Win7.
I loved Windows Vista. People said it was buggy but I loved the bold and glassy look it had. It was the first OS with Windows Aero on it and it really stood out to me. Kudos to you for liking Vista lol.
I upgraded a laptop to Win8 soon after it was launched. It was hardly the disaster that many regarded it to be, but it got much better with 8.1. I'd also say that 10 is basically the polished version that Windows 8 should have been.

Except for the touch experience, the Start screen, the UI, the icons, the design language, Edge...
Personally, I think they got the order wrong. They should have rolled out the W10 interface first, then the W8.1 later. It wouldn't have been such a "jarring" change for the majority of the public.
Loved 8.1. It and Windows Phone 8.1 were some of the most reliable OSes I have used. Now 10 comes along with its bugs and "personality quirks" but at least the features are worth it.

The UX stuff was annoying to some, but I liked it. Under the hood though, it was the best yet.
Windows 8 wasn't complex. At all. 8 was destroyed by lazy people and word of mouth just as Vista was destroyed by OEMS shipping computers with 256Mb of ram.
Now that a large percent of the market has Windows 10 we should really sit back and look at Windows 8. With Windows 10 being a huge upgrade can you compare the two and say Windows 8 was good? I most definitely can. When we look at Windows 8 we see Apps, Tiles and a Robust design. A lot of people disliked Windows 8 simply because of how complex it was and the overall appeal. A lot of people forget that Windows 8 was made with touch screen devices in mind and produces much better results when using a touch screen. The snap feature worked well on my Windows 8 Tablet when I had to watch a video and do work at the same time. I wouldn't mind having Windows 10 on a tablet but Windows 8 seems to fit the device more but Windows 10 would be great on a PC or Laptop. What was your favorite feature about Windows 8? Do you like or dislike Windows 8?

I upgraded a laptop to Win8 soon after it was launched. It was hardly the disaster that many regarded it to be, but it got much better with 8.1. I'd also say that 10 is basically the polished version that Windows 8 should have been.

I loved Windows Vista. People said it was buggy but I loved the bold and glassy look it had. It was the first OS with Windows Aero on it and it really stood out to me. Kudos to you for liking Vista lol.

Loved 8.1. It and Windows Phone 8.1 were some of the most reliable OSes I have used. Now 10 comes along with its bugs and "personality quirks" but at least the features are worth it.

The UX stuff was annoying to some, but I liked it. Under the hood though, it was the best yet.

I liked vista a lot, was pleasant after xp.

I absolutely agree. Once you got the hang of it, which wasn't THAT hard, it was a great OS. I loved 8.1 as well. Same with WP 8 and 8.1. When Windows 8 came out, that's when I got into the MS world in the first place.

I was one of the few who loved Vista as well especially after SP1.
Windows 10 took the good thing of Windows 8 and made them work better with the desk and WIN32 app. Modern apps can now run on the desktop and even run in WIndows. MS is added a bunch of security feature with the new major update coming soon.
Windows 8.1 is an absolute treat compared to 10. I've just performed a brand new install from 14332 ISO on my SP3 and the interface is still really choppy and usability hit and miss. Windows 8 primarily received a bad name from a large number of "tech reviewers" who these days don't seem to be technical people they simply write about what they like using.
what I miss about w8? well the stability, up to 8.1 windows was incredibly resilient, now with Nadella's modus operandi they break i as many things as they fix, the new updates system makes selecting-downloading them a nightmare, and overall, It just lacks the polish that I expect from this OS
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My take on Windows 8.x vs 10 has always been Windows 8.x is better on touch only devices and 10 is better on traditional non-touch devices.

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