Start Menu Keeps Resizing


Retired Ambassador
Dec 4, 2012
On my SP4 running Windows 10 (non-insider), I notice that my start menu resizes for it self. Like if I close the surface or wake it up from hibernating or something, SOMETIMES the start menu goes from 3 columns wide to 2 columns wide. This is really annoying.

Again, it does not happen all the time.

Does this happen to anyone else?
Not a proper answer, but worth a look:

It could be the size you have chosen is close between where it would snap to two or three, try making it either a little larger or smaller and see if that forces it to stay on one particular size.
Not a proper answer, but worth a look:

It could be the size you have chosen is close between where it would snap to two or three, try making it either a little larger or smaller and see if that forces it to stay on one particular size.

It's not. there is a big difference between two and three :/ :(
This happens to my Surface Pro 4 fairly frequently, mostly when I shut down my PC or switch to desktop mode. It's the same with my windows sizes; they're often resized by Windows 10.

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