how to keep files while resetting my pc from windows 10 to windows 8

Hunter gooch

New member
Jun 14, 2016
about a year ago i upgraded to windows 10 and it started to make my pc run slower, so i reset my pc back to windows 8 and all was good until just last night it upgraded to windows 10 (without permission). before i have been getting promptings to upgrade to it by my pc, and i wake up and it says it wants me to log in to finalize the upgrade. i am pretty mad at windows ,but if i can figure out a way to down grade and keep all of my important info that would be great, can anyone help me out?
about a year ago i upgraded to windows 10 and it started to make my pc run slower, so i reset my pc back to windows 8 and all was good until just last night it upgraded to windows 10 (without permission). before i have been getting promptings to upgrade to it by my pc, and i wake up and it says it wants me to log in to finalize the upgrade. i am pretty mad at windows ,but if i can figure out a way to down grade and keep all of my important info that would be great, can anyone help me out?

Try this: Going back to Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 - Windows Help -

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