Why did my set as metered connection option turn off automatically?


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May 4, 2016
Why my "set as metered connection" option turns off automatically?

In my Windows 10 Version 1511 Build 10586.420 I've set my WiFi connection as metered connection every time I put my laptop in "Flight mode" and turn it off when needed to connect to WiFi "Set as metered connection" turns off automatically. This has been a really annoying problem which is eating up my data unnecessarily. Problem started about 1 week ago. I don't know what is causing this problem I haven't installed any new application and software. Did any of you faced similar problem?
Re: Why my "set as metered connection" option turns off automatically?

In my Windows 10 Version 1511 Build 10586.420 I've set my WiFi connection as metered connection every time I put my laptop in "Flight mode" and turn it off when needed to connect to WiFi "Set as metered connection" turns off automatically. This has been a really annoying problem which is eating up my data unnecessarily. Problem started about 1 week ago. I don't know what is causing this problem I haven't installed any new application and software. Did any of you faced similar problem?

if you don't put your laptop in flight mode and just turn off wifi? Does it still behave that way?
Re: Why my "set as metered connection" option turns off automatically?

if you don't put your laptop in flight mode and just turn off wifi? Does it still behave that way?

Yes, it still behaves the same. BTW I'm using Huawei USB WiFi (if this information helps). This one: http://n3.sdlcdn.com/imgs/a/i/s/Huawei-E-8231-USB-Wingle-SDL887701367-1-fc97a.jpg

Do you think there is an problem with the device? I.e If the device automatically changes its name and reverts back automatically to the name which I've kept making Windows think that this is a different device with same name and password hence not to make this connection as "Metered Connection".

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