Why won't my laptop recognize my home wifi, but it recognizes others?


New member
Jul 27, 2016
I have a 4 years old laptop with a 10 years old hard drive (we got screwed over). I previously tried to fiy the problem, because my wifi wasn't recognizable. Yesterday was one of the very rare days laptop did recognize home wifi and got connected. Today's the same again, it doesn't find m wifi but it finds my neighbour's. The adapter is fine and so is the modem. My phone and mom's laptop connect to wifi successfully. I did notice that home wifi is listed under 'known connections', but that's it. Someone please help.
Can you be more specific like does your home connection show up in the networks list, if yes, have you tried deleting your home connection from known networks list and reconnecting again by entering the password?

One more question - Did you setup "Allow only these" in the router settings according to MAC ID? I think you haven't, right?

If the above doesn't work then we need more info about the problem. We could try reinstalling the driver, for me MS stack driver (particularly that 6.30.xxx.xxx) doesn't work as it always shows limited connectivity after a period of time.
No, it doesn't show up in the network's list. It did yesterday though. I didn't delete it. I didn't set up ''allow only these'' either. Honestly, I didn't know that was the option. The driver seems fine and Windows says it doesn't need an update. I did download an update anyway, just to be sure. It updated fine but there's still no wifi. It won't even connect through the ethernet cable. It seems like to me, my laptop has it's own days when it ''decides'' to connect to wifi.

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