Sync problems after update


New member
May 27, 2015
Both my Lumia 830 and my laptop updated to the latest production ring versions. On both phone and PC I get an error message when trying to sync my account. It happens in the outlook/email app as well as the people app. The error code is 0x8500201d. I've signed out/in of my account on both devices to no avail. Any ideas?
Forgot to mention. when I go to settings/accounts on both devices it says "attention required" under the outlook account.
Forgot to mention. when I go to settings/accounts on both devices it says "attention required" under the outlook account.

Happened to me. Easiest way to fix it was to remove the account and add it again. Did the trick for me so there is a chance if you want to try it...
......and lost all my contact pics in people app

Reported by someone here on the day of the release. Apparently common problem now. My contacts seem to be OK. In my case OneDrive no longer uploads the photos, have to do that manually...
Same problem I have, same error, same issues, same attention required message, lost contacts, no syncing, but....... I'm not on the insider program. Mine happened after MS upgraded my account. Microsoft level 2 support is supposed to call me tomorrow, but I'm just going to create a brand new MS account and start over from scratch, because I doubt they can fix it. Appears the account is corrupted to me.

BTW - removing and adding the account back did not help. I tried all kinds of things, nothing worked.
Corrupt account is what I suspect as well. Please keep us updated as to what Level 2 says. I do not have the option to create new acct, I do not want to lose my free onedrive allotment. Thanks.
Just went to Settings...Accounts...Email&app accounts. There are 2 accounts listed here. The first is my regular account "". The server setting is
The second account is "mail and calendar". The server setting under this one is blank. There are 3 toggle switches here. One for calendar and it's On. The other 2 say Email and Contacts and are both Off.
Anyone here know what the settings should be?
I have only one account. Not sure why you have two, did not see that on my mums phone nor my brothers 950. Always one account/set of settings...
Microsoft level 2 was no help. The tech just wanted to remote into my computer, install 3rd party software called Fiddler, and get some logs to send to the level 3 techs. I'm a desktop engineer and I deal with level 3 issues all day long. I understand the importance of gathering logs, but I was uncomfortable with allowing anyone access to my computer. I asked if I could get the logs myself and email them to him, but the tech said they can't do that. I then asked if I could talk directly to the level 3 support and he said he couldn't do that either. At this point I just told him this is a known issue and Microsoft needs to look into more, but I'll just create a new MS account and start all over. We ended the call at that point. I created a new account, took me all weekend to get everything set back up, but it's all working now.
I get error 0x86000c0a " can't be synchronized" on my PC, Surface, and Lumia 950 XL. The people app on all devices stopped synching, photo upload does not work, OneDrive app behaves buggy, storing documents automatically on OneDrive does not work anymore. Pretty messy right now.

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