W10 Facebook and Messenger apps - load, launch, quick exit.


New member
Sep 19, 2016
Windows 10 HP laptop, updated to anniversary release last week... Today downloaded Messenger app from Windows store. A fresh download - neither app ever loaded to this machine in past.

Download successful; clicked Launch; see splash screen, then it simply disappears, no error message. Same behavior for the Facebook app downloaded from Store. Task Manager shows they are not running.

Both show up seemingly correctly on the start screen, where again I can select, see launch/splash screen, then they simply disappear.
Have rebooted, no change in behavior.

Any insights on what I can further check, do, describe? Am I correct to expect a fully update W10 machine should be able to run these two apps from the Store?

Thank you.
Unless someone notes otherwise, I seem to have landed on this resolution:
The apps (Facebook and Messenger) available from the Windows Store run on / require 32Bit system.
Mine is 64Bit.

Came to this conclusion after an Online Chat session with Microsoft support, wherein we repaired the Store app on my machine, confirmed I'm running it as Administrator, ran the Microsoft app store repair tool, and the like. And, loaded Pandora (first time I've loaded it, just like Messenger and FB apps from Store) and that worked fine.

Closed (for me, for now, anyhow).


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