Facebook and Facebook Beta are both broken on current build!


New member
Feb 14, 2014
I'm surprised that I am not finding a thread on this issue already.
Evidently something that changed in a recent build has caused both Facebook apps to crash.
When you launch the app it closes just after the window pops up.
It's kind of a bummer because when you get a notification and it opens the app, it just crashes.

The only way to use Facebook at the moment is with the browser.

I hope they get this fixed. Maybe the app needs to be updated now but to have an app quit working with an OS build update is not good.

On the Windows Store the ratings/feedback is flooded with users all experiencing this issue.

Facebook broke.JPG
Yep the app on Windows 10 just keeps crashing. I never had a problem with my Windows 7.Hoping they fix this soon.
Had it for 2 days now on my SP4 and 930. App was just freezing when it opened. SP4 seems ok again today. Mobile still Facebook beta still not working. Hopefully they are rolling out an update to fix it
Apparently I've been jumping for joy with better battery performance by using FB on Edge instead of these cursed apps

or try his suggestion (mine too) use the browser and be happy :smile:
See the way raycpl is jumping in joy :wink:


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