Feature Update Fails & Leaves Me With A Problem


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Aug 10, 2015
I decided to install the Feature Update to Windows 10 known as version 1607 two days ago. Needless to say it has failed to install on two occasions so far. Fortunately the previous version 1511 of Windows 10 has been recovered automatically when I forced the machine to shut down after the installation seemed to be doing nothing after 23% and 75% of the process had been completed. However although the laptop is still functional and search engines I use will go to certain websites quite normally, I seem to have been left with a residual problem as for others which I use regularly it advises me that 'the security certificate presented by this website is not secure...............etc' OR 'There's a problem with this website's security certificate etc....................' Any ideas as to how I might resolve this problem? I have decided to put any further attempts at installing the Feature Update on hold for the time being.:orly::orly::orly:
is the date ad time of your system correct? please check those, this issue could arise because of that as well
I just tried disabling my internet security app and the problem disappeared. I then turned the app back on and the issue came back. So I think I've found the problem?
It was the internet security app that was causing the problem and this issue has now been resolved. But I'm still left with the Feature Update to look forward to!

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