Is this any good-Malwarebytes-Anti-Ransomeware!


New member
Oct 2, 2016
Hi I'm hearing more and more about attacks from ransomeware scoundrels. Would like to hear your thoughts on this program from Malwarebytes. I think it still may be in Beta. If it helps just a little, it's worth the price(Free)! Back ups are you best security from ransomeware!:wink:
Anyone have any comments? This would make a great thread to discuss this subject and alert our members to this threat.:smile:
Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware Download
PS I have become very interested in ransomeware lately. I trust Malwarebytes and recently found this program!:wink:
Ransonware doesn't scare this old country boy because I always have a back image on my external seagate drive!
Hi! I'll start with a good read from Microsoft about ransomeware! Crete backups:wink: I hope this scares you enough to start creating regular back ups:wink:
What does ransomware do?

There are different types of ransomware. However, all of them will prevent you from using your PC normally, and they will all ask you to do something before you can use your PC.

They can target any PC users, whether it’s a home computer, endpoints in an enterprise network, or servers used by a government agency or healthcare provider.

Ransomware can:

Prevent you from accessing Windows.

Encrypt files so you can't use them.

Stop certain apps from running (like your web browser).

Ransomware will demand that you pay money (a “ransom”) to get access to your PC or files. We have also seen them make you complete surveys.

There is no guarantee that paying the fine or doing what the ransomware tells you will give access to your PC or files again.
Nice! Did you develop this software?
No sir, but I sure wish I had. I have a long history with MABA. Was with them when they were having their battle with IObit for stealing there data base. I won't go into that story. It's a very old story. You can Google it if you like!:wink: Thanks for your reply! Here's the staff and the owner Marcin!
PS Thank you Laura for your support!
I do not receive any royalties from Malwarebytes. MBAM has been my friend for many years and I respect Marcin for what he has done in the Malware field.
They have several products that I use. I trust them and I recommend them to my friends, I'm currently running Malwarebytes Pro and Windows defender in real time for my protection.Here's a list. Check it out!:wink: Some are free. Some are not! I hope this is not against forum rules. I think MBAM has some great programs that can help you stay safe. Be a safe suffer is the best way to be safe.:wink: Crete regular back up images and you'll be good to go and fearless!:smile:
last week my friend just get the ransomeware in the email attachment . he can not open files in his computer . so everyone take care . use good anti-virus will protect your data .
Do you think running both Malwarebytes Pro and Windows defender may slow down the PC?
No, I don't think it will slow down your PC. MBAM was designed to work with anti-virus programs. It works well with Defender. MBAM has stopped many malicious IP addresses from getting access to my PC. This is our secret. I'm not a newbie to help forums. MBAM blocked 720 malicious IPs from China for me a long time ago. That's a very old story !:wink:
Malwarebytes AntiRansomware is good for old versions of ransomwares like CTB, Cryptxxx, Locky, Petya, Micsha, Tesla etc. Which were distributed in spring-summer. But I don't think that it will help you against "UPTODATE":angel: ransomwares like thor, **** etc. like this: Get rid of .thor encryption. Data recovery and ransomware removal - Manual Removal Guides
As for me the best protection against ALL ransomwares, viruses and other malwares is regular backup of all important data to offline hard drive, system backup
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Hi I agree that your backups be remote and your external drive, that has your images should not be connected to your PC!:wink:
Team work is good. Thanks for your reply! @gusinaus. Welcome to the forum!

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