secure windows 10 PC account


New member
Sep 20, 2016
Hey, guys!

If I want to secure my Microsoft account, I can enable two step authentication, and I can also enable the app Authenticator . On the other hand, when I log into one of Microsoft services on a PC, it wouldn't ask me to login again. That is, although I find the fact that I don't have to login into my Calendar, OneNote, OneDrive over and over again, if somebody could login into that PC, he would actually access all that information. Plus, I do know that there are tools which could change a password of a Windows 7 user account, so I just assume that the same can be done in Windows 10? It may not be possible if I sign in into my Microsoft account on that PC, but still - even then I assume that somebody could change the type of logging into the account without my knowledge, and again - access all my emails, files, notes, etc... Correct me if I'm wrong there.

So because of this, I just wanted to ask if there is any way to secure my account on Windows 10 besides using an iris scanner, finger print scanner, or whatever? For example, I think it is really a pity that one cannot use Authenticator app for logging into a Windows 10 PC. Is there some settings which I don't know about, or is there some other way for me to secure the account, and even better - for me to know if somebody has logged into my account (even if that was me)? It would be great if I could get an SMS at least, or an email, or a push notification on my Windows 10 Mobile phone, each time somebody accesses my Microsoft account on any PC, or at least that particular PC.

Thanks in advance, and I hope this isn't a double tread. I haven't found another tread like this.
Sorry for the long post I'm going to write, but I have to elaborate. If somebody may not want to read all this, please, read this message from the "So, to cut the long story short, I would like some of these stuff" part, I made it bold.

Thanks for your reply, but unfortunately, it doesn't help. What I was interested in is what is described under "Sign-in options" in the linked article, and there they only say about>
  • Ability to login on a Windows 10 PC with my Microsoft account,
  • Being able to login with my Microsoft accounts password,
  • Being able to make a PIN which is only related to this PC, and not the Microsoft account itself,
  • Being able to setup an image password, and
  • Being able to use Windows Hello.
  • I knew about that, I have connected my Microsoft account to that user account on this particular PC,
  • I know about that,
  • I know about the option to setup a PIN, and although it is better for me than the password, it doesn't do what I want,
  • I played around with that, but I'm not gonna use it as anyone could figure what is my image password by looking over my shoulder,
  • Windows Hello doesn't help me at all, because I don't want to by new hardware for that.
Yes, Windows 10 may be a little bit more secure when it comes to preventing someone from accessing your PC, but when somebody accesses your Windows 10 PC, he is offered everything you have on your Microsoft account. Sadly, the most secure way to use this computer for someone would be not to sign in with their Microsoft account into a PC at all. There is a two step verification for logging into Microsoft account on the web, but there is completely nothing for an average Joe who doesn't want to buy that special camera, or a finger print scanner.

In fact, I fear that even buying that camera or a finger print scanner wouldn't help, because I'm not sure if Microsoft introduced those options only to make signing in easier, or to make it more secure. For example, even if I do forget my PIN, and am still able to sign into my PC using my Microsoft account password (though I'm not sure if two step verification is required during that process).

So, to cut the long story short, I would like some of these stuff:
  • Two step verification for logging into my Windows 10 PC account (each time, not just for the first time when I'm setting the account on the PC),
  • Having a log of all sign in attempts into this Windows 10 PC account,
  • An option to be alerted if somebody accessed that PC account in case it is not me,
  • Being alerted if somebody has entered a wrong password once or few times in a row, etc.

I am interested to know if at least some of those stuff are possible to do?

Microsoft has offered us a great thing - to have all our data synchronized, but with that option enabled we simply have to make sure that our accounts there are secure. Heck, I don't even save my passwords on any PC, but what one would be able to get from accessing your Windows 10 PC is far worse than simply being able to grab few of your passwords from Mozilla Firefox.

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