Certain keys on laptop keyboard not working (Windows 10)


New member
Feb 17, 2014
I'm having a keyboard issue.

- Ok so I have an Acer Aspire V5-471G laptop. N its currently running windows 10 and I downloaded the anniversary update in september(don't remember).
- But after the second week of October(i think, can't remember) certain keys on my keyboard have just stopped working for no reason at all.
- Specifically the letters:- W, E, R, Y and the TAB key and recently I noticed the Windows Key is also not working.
- They do not work at all and nothing happens when I press these keys.

- As far I know the rest of the keys are working fine coz I did an online keyboard test(or maybe some key I dont use aren't working n I missed it)
- I don't know if the keys have stopped working bcoz of downloading the anniversary update or something else.
- I have tried removing the keys and cleaning under them with a soft-haired paintbrush coz I thought maybe there was dust under them that was obstructing the working of the keys but that dint change anything n keys were still not working after cleaning under them..

- Also 2 days after I found this problem, I did a system restore to a restore point that I had created about 5-7 days ago(in the restore point I created, everything including the keys was working fine thats y I decided to use the system restore). But that dint work either, the sys restore rolledback some updates but that was all; the keys were still not working..
- And so afterwords I decided to look for answers on the net but I dint find anything helpful. I did read somewhere that there could be a keyboard driver issue and so I checked Device Manager and tried updating the keyboard drivers but it said that the drivers are already updated.
- And also I read somewhere on the net that if your keyboard is not working you should try using the on-screen keyboard and check if the keys that are not working on the physical keyboard are working on the onscreen keyboard, & if the non working keys are also not working on the OSK then it might be an issue or something like that..
- so I tried using the OSK but all the keys are working fine on that n so now I don't know what's the problem on the physical keyboard...

- As of now I'm using the OSK for typing the letters that don't work but I want a proper solution for this...
Plz give me some answers for this...
And if you need any more information of my laptop or have any questions please let me know...
[N if your wondering how I typed this then i'm using my work computer :P]

- Thanks to anyone who replies... :)
could be keyboard failure , related to hardware. As you have already done almost everything you could from reinstalling drivers to rolling back and uninstalling updates. How old is your laptop anyway. usually after Anniversary update it has been reported with users that there whole keyboard stopped working including mouse/pad . you issue could be related to hardware failure of those keys in my opinion.
- I did read about people's keyboards not working after installing the Anniversary update but I figured it wasn't the same case as mine coz my keys stopped working about a month later after i installed the update(not exactly sure but i'm gonna check when exactly i got the update when i get back home).

- My laptop is probably around 4-5 years old, it doesn't even feel old or anything coz it works great!
- Whenever I encountered a problem on it I would look everywhere for the solution and always managed to fix them and this way i have fixed 90% of the problems i have had without ever taking it for repair [10% of the time the problem would just disappear, don't ask me how :) ]

- But this is the one problem that i can't seem to fix or find any exact solution for and it makes me feel disappointed :(
But thanks anyway for the answer.. i'm going to wait and see what others have to say about this issue :)
Thanks for the suggestion! I already tried cleaning under the keys but I'll check out the link & try doing it again just to be sure... :)
Does anyone have a similar issue?? or maybe someone has the same issue but with different keys?? Plz help!!
Should I rollback the Anniversary update altogether and then check if the keys are working??
I'm so confused!! I really like the new features of the Anniversary Update. :/
Ugh!! I hope if all these keyboard issues are related to the Anniversary Update then Microsoft should release some kind of troubleshooting tool to find and fix all the problems related to it :/
Hi Friend! I have the latest build and I'm not having any key board issues. I don't suggest rolling back the anniversary update. I really think it's your KB.
My advise is take it to your local repair shop and get their advise. The max charge should be 50$ + parts. You could try it yourself and save some bucks.
That's the best I can do for you!:wink:
Hi Friend! I have the latest build and I'm not having any key board issues. I don't suggest rolling back the anniversary update. I really think it's your KB.
My advise is take it to your local repair shop and get their advise. The max charge should be 50$ + parts. You could try it yourself and save some bucks.
That's the best I can do for you!:wink:

Ok Thanks! I was trying to avoid this option but I guess that's the only thing I can do now... :/
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