Windows 10 Taskbar Issue


New member
Nov 5, 2015
Is anyone else having issues with the Windows 10 taskbar? When you mouse over icons pinned to the taskbar the highlight animation gets stuck, the icons remain highlighted even when you mouse away. This happens to my SP4 multiple times a day and it's driving me insane... Seriously :angry:. If you shift+right-click on an icon it corrects the issue temporarily, ditto for restarting explorer.exe, though the problem ALWAYS returns shortly. Also, when this happens the Windows 10 Ink Workspace seems to not like launching. Restarting the Windows Shell Experience Host corrects this.

I've got a stock install of W10 on an SP4 with the i5 processor and eight gigs of ram on the latest public build (14393.447). This has been an issue since Windows 7 and it's making me want to buy a Mac... Any idea how to permanently fix these issues? I realize this isn't the most critical of issues but you'd think they'd have fixed it since 2009 when Windows 7 launched...


- Craig
what is happening on my desktop is once in a while ( a long while ) the system refreshes and the taskbar icons gets vanished, wiped clean and only the mirror effect remains but no icons, which reappears after a short while . this surfaced in October build and still continues on current build 14393.479
Hi I have the latest build 14393.479 and I'm not having any of those issues.:wink: I'm running a 5 year old Toshiba which seldom gets powered off and runs most of the time off the AC adapter.:winktongue:
Hmmm, strange. I'm surprised nobody else is having this problem. I've dealt with it since W7 on two HP laptops and now with W10 on my SP4. I wonder if it has something to do with the programs I've got installed, though I'm not running anything unusual... I started using Edge in lieu of Chrome and it seems to be happening less frequently, though it still rears its ugly head from time to time.

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