As Full Windows 10 arrived in ARM Architecture, could this be a game changer?


New member
Dec 6, 2016
As Windows 10 is now ARM Architecture could this make the future of windows phones? Will ever be android and ios user migrate to windows 10? But for sure continuum feature will be great as ever.
Well they are not going to be "Windows Phones" but yes eventually, there are going to be smartphones that runs full Windows, with a phone UI, but in continuum transforming into the desktop UI. I'm not sure if it's going to pull customers to the platform super fast but, having a phone that can run full windows(win32) apps is pretty cool and many people would like this idea. Also thinking that Miracast would be everywhere and faster there will be no reason not to get a phone and a monitor / lapdock / miracast tv and turn it in to your computer.
I think this will help the UWP project since developers will only need to write a program for Windows and not reconfigure for the Windows 10 Mobile platform.
This news indicates an obvious game changer.
With any luck the boneheads at Microsoft will implement this correctly.
I think this deal should be left to 3rd party entities that are actually interested in consumers and profit.

Microsoft always looks good on stage then takes a long nap after talking innovation.
As usual I'm here in the corner on the edge of my seat...
The biggest benefit is that manufacturers can use existing engineering techniques from their Android/Chrome OS devices to quickly create Windows 10 devices without too much hassle. They don't need to create fully unique chip sets now and can use more "off the shelf" styles of SOC chips.

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