Bluetooth - Inexpensive Alternative to regain Bluetooth


New member
Jan 6, 2017
After all of these years that I lost my Bluetooth after a Windows update, I tried a dongle purchased on Ebay from fabebuying for .99 USD. I received it last night and although I needed to restart my computer a couple of times, lose a USB port, and I have to be within a foot of the dongle, I have Bluetooth on my laptop back again. My phone and headset are hooked up to my laptop.

I believe the biggest culprit has been that my network card is Qualcomm Atheros Communications Inc. wireless and highspeed Bluetooth enabled. Over the years I've changed, updated, uninstalled and reinstalled drivers, haunted youtube, MS, MS Central and spent countless hours (time is money and I've wasted much) et cetera trying to find a fix, all to no avail. I thought for a buck, I would try the dongle and it worked. (Excelvan USB Dongle) I think I will now look for a higher speed better dongle and see what I can find. I didn't want to change out my network card at a high price and effort (opening my laptop). Too big of a risk and cost. I've already wasted hours of my life troubleshooting Microsoft's errors that I will never get back.

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