Thanks for the replies. Weird, I didn't get any email notifications of replies to my post way back; I thought my post never got any replies.
Anyway, just happened to stumble across these, and thought I'd respond.
So I referred to it as "creepy", and I guess in a sense it is, but in a deeper sense I was in awe. I mean, going to Groundhog Day, I would expect to see recommendations like "Stripes" or "Ghostbusters" (e.g. other contemporary comedies with Bill Murray), but it was throwing out recommendations that I would consider out of left field yet I really enjoy: Duck Soup (Marx brothers move from the '30s - love it), a couple of Hitchcock thrillers, ("Rear Window" and "North by Northwest" - love them), "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, World" (goofy 60's comedy - love it, too, for other reasons - to me, but maybe now I'm not so sure - than the other movies), and some others. And these are picks that I can't directly tie to anything I consciously or directly shared with Microsoft.
Like I said, in some ways this is creepy, but also really, incredibly, cool. I've never, ever, seen a recommendation engine in any of the services I use (Netflix, Amazon, etc.) come up with so many seemingly off-the-wall yet relevant links. In a lot of ways, it frustrates me that I feel the need to be concerned about this on any level. I'd like to feel comfortable having "the system" know everything and seeing what it comes up with....