Outlook Calendar and contacts have disappeared


New member
Dec 21, 2015
I continue to have problems since the anniversary update. The most recent and painful is that my Outlook 2013 contacts and calendar have disappeared. They are still on my one drive thankfully and seem to be on my Lumia, but not my Surface Pro 3. This is a major problem for me as it would be for anyone.

The account appears to be operating properly. Desparate, please help!
Try resetting the apps. Go to All settings\System\Apps & features and find the app in the list. Click on it, then on Advanced options, and then Reset.
Thanks, the advanced feature doesn't appear as it is not an app but a full program. But I did try the repair function, unfortunately no luck.
It has now turned into a monster. Trying to repair outlook led to a complete failure and requred new installation. This brought message that I needed to reconnect to Outlook.com. Following Microsoft instructions, both variations, several times, only brings continued notices to reconnect. I hope someone has a viable solution for me, please.
More issues. Outlook no longer giving me the email manual setup option. It is there but when selected the screen is no longer highlighted and no entries allowed. It is necessary to wait for the automatic options to fail and then there is a change settings option.
I just recieved a message saying I have to re-subscribe to my Outlook account and my choice would be to buy a 2016 update. I'm not quite sure what this means but it doesn't sound good.
I agree. And you do not know if the problems will go away either...by the way, did it say re-subscribe? Mine said reconnect.
I've got another thread going with a slightly different issue that was caused by me overzealously clicking the reset buttons. Regardless, I'm doing a Windows reset (keeping my files). I think I'm about half way done with it right now. I'll let you know if it appears to correct the issues I was experiencing.
Yes, I can confirm everything is back and working normally. Unfortunately, when you choose to do the "Reset" option under recovery in setting, it reinstalls on the factory bloatware too -- kind of disappointing.

But the important part is all of my emails, calendars, and contacts (People App) are all there now. Good as new. Phew
That's good to hear. Two questions, are you now reconnected to outlook.com? Second, so no missunderstanding, can you tell me exactly what you did? Thanks.
Yes, I am connected. My email is coming in and going out.

As for what I did: Settings > Update & Security > Recovery > Reset PC, Get Started > Keep My Files

Basically it just puts your PC back to out-of-box specs, but keeps your files in it. It wipes all the apps and drivers and reinstalls to factory. Any apps you downloaded from the Store will need to be redownloaded.

Just for clarity, your other devices still appear to connect fine, right?

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