Onedrive settings where?


New member
Jun 30, 2017
I have reloaded Onedrive, It appeared I uninstalled it several weeks ago.
I am attempting to sync a few folders on my PC Windows 10.
I have read go to the icon in the task manager and find the settings.I do
not see an icon.
I launch Onedrive and it has a settings but nothing to do with sync.
I have look in the system directory under 32 and 64 section do not see a Onedrive folder. I looked under local app data do not see a folder.
It appears I am missing files and folders. I have launch Onedrive it does bring up my Onedrive in the clowd
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The icon in the taskbar comes with OneDrive's desktop app and not Store app. If you want to use the traditional method of syncing OneDrive files, download the desktop version of the app from the internet and then you can change any of the sync settings from the icon in the taskbar. The files can be accessed by going into the OneDrive app listed in the apps menu in Start.

I can understand you have been using the Store version of the OneDrive app. Although, the Store app is a better solution to me because you can see and edit the files without downloading all of them at the same time. You can still download files using that app to any location on your device, or use the parachute button to move it to the offline's tab in the app for editing without a connection.

Hope this helps. Comment if you need help!

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