Volume license deactivated after Fall Creators Update


New member
Aug 8, 2014
My workplace has a volume license product code for Windows 10 Pro. We tried updating 2 computers to the Fall Creators Update when it became available through Windows Update today, but both of them were deactivated and will not allow us to reactivate.

Prior to the update, the Activation page in the settings shows 20 X's followed by the last 5 characters of our volume license product key. After the upgrade process completed, the last 5 characters on both computers was changed to the same sequence that is completely different from our volume license product key.

When we try to reactivate by entering our product key, we get error code 0x803F7001. I've updated two computers at home that are "activated with a digital license linked to your Microsoft account."

This appears to only be a problem with volume licensing. Has anyone else experienced this issue or know if there is a way to reactivate these computers where Windows has been deactivated?
Did you get a solution to this? I ask as I have had many PCs do this, and not even after the update. Each time, they seems to revert back to a license code that was never entered (or activated) on the PC. A solution would be a god-send right now!
Hello there! Try this one:
- From an elevated command-prompt execute the command slmgr.vbs /dlv
- Write down the product key or take a screenshot
- Execute the command slmgr.vbs /upk (this will uninstall the product key)
- Execute the command slmgr.vbs -ipk yourproductkey

To force the activation execute:
- slmgr.vbs /ato

Hope this helps!
Update to my company's situation...

Per a user's suggestion on the Microsoft Answers forum, we uninstalled the product key from an elevated command prompt using the command slmgr /upk.

We then reinstalled the volume license key with this command: slmgr /ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx (25-digit product key in place of the X's)

One of the two upgraded computers activated successfully and displayed the last 5 digits of our product key. The 2nd computer still had issues activating with an error that it couldn't contact the activation server. We took a new image of the computer that was successfully activated, and it can now be deployed with no activation issues.

For the rest of our organization, we hadn't received any reports of issues because nobody else had received the Fall Creators Update automatically yet. In the first week of December, our users finally started getting the 1709 update, but the volume license key has remained intact and activated on each one of these computers. The only issue we had were the ones that our help desk were working with and manually searched for the 1709 update.

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