FCU issues, help needed


New member
Apr 15, 2013
My pensioner father has updated to the FCU on his desktop using Windows Update. Mostly things have gone well, but he tells me over the phone the some times (about 50% of the time) when he opens Edge his screen 'goes all white with an e symbol in the middle' and the browser won't respond. He can't close it. He can press ctrl/alt/del and that works, but selecting shut down does nothing. He has to hold down the power button to get out of the crash.

So, I need to find a way to address this. The WC article on FCU problems does describe Edge issues and they could be something like my father's experience, I'm not sure. Unlike other FCU issues however, no suggestions as to how to address such Edge issues are offered in the article. Please note that a full reinstall is not an option for my father as he is not able to do this, and I live at the other end of the country. He is likely to just get volatile and start yelling. I can connect via remote assistance so that's how we will need to resolve this. Trying to talk my father through anything over the phone will not end well so it's RA all the way.

What is the best approach to this? If the answer is to revert to the previous build then that is unfortunate, but if necessary then I need a way to permanently block the faulty update so he doesn't get the problem come back.

Can you offer guidance? I've not had this issue myself.
I am afraid I can't offer any help here.

There's fundamental stability issues with the FCU that Microsoft needs to address themselves. For stability's sake, I always do full clean re-installation for each big feature update such as the FCU. However, this time, with FCU, I've had at least 8 Blue Screen of Death myself since i installed it on my newly purchased NVMe SSD. I did a second clean installation two days ago and avoided as many errors as i could during driver installations. So far, it has become comparatively more stable but still, I've had one BSoD so far, but it's a lot less frequent compared to that after my first clean installation.

If you father happens to live close to any Microsoft Stores, he can drive there, they will do clean installation of Windows for free.

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