Day-to-Day Experiences - My Issues With The Fall Creators Update

Mar 9, 2016
Hey there,

I have two issues with the Fall Creators Update that affect day-to-day experiences. One is fixable, and one isn't.

The Fall Creators Update includes improvements to the Hyper-V virtualization package, notably a new virtual network adapter that can not be permanently disabled nor deleted. When this adapter is enabled, it is always connected to the "Unidentified Network." I've noticed that when this adapter is enabled, my laptop waits a prolonged period (> 1 minute) to go to sleep mode when the lid is closed. When I disable the virtual adapter through network connections, my laptop takes less than 30 seconds to go to sleep mode in the same fashion. The next time the laptop boots, the virtual adapter gets automatically re-enabled. It seems that this virtual adapter is keeping the computer from sleeping, at least temporarily. The only fix that eliminates this issue is to remove Hyper-V from the system from the Add/Remove Windows Features panel.

Whenever I boot up my laptop, I am presented with the Lock Screen followed by the Sign-In screen. Even when I don't enter my password, I can hear notifications being executed on my user account's desktop (such as the Network Drives Cannot be Reconnected notification). This is extremely worrisome because it is almost as if I am logged in when I am not. It seems like a massive security hole. The worst part is that Patch Tuesday didn't fix this problem (and I would think that this issue would be at the top of their bug list). Does anyone else experience this issue, or am I alone? Or does anyone have a simple fix?

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