devices and printers missing windows 10?


New member
Jan 5, 2017
Hi got Hp laptop OS windows 10 browser ME.My printer is kodak hero 3.1.everthing was fine my printer was wireless now it's not? but I can use it with a USB.Now when I type in search bar for devices and printers it cant find it, but it's on control panel don't know whats going on
Hi, let me start by saying sorry I've taken so long to reply been away back now.I have changed my printer to an HP I still have the same problem? where I go to the search bar and type in device and printer no result found but its on control pannel printer works fine so don't know what's going on ?
Hi, thanks for your help.I have not explained my problem right, there is nothing wrong with the printer it works fine, what it is when I type in at the search window bar at the bottom of windows for device and printer it used to come up and when I clicked it on it I would get pictures up showing me what I, ve got on my laptop now it says no result found, I now go to control panel to get it up so it is still their, so not sure what next ?

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