W8 games are expensive


New member
Oct 27, 2012
It looks like the "standard" games on windows 8 are more expensive then the standard tablet games on Android and Ios.

Angry Birds(space) and Fruit Ninja are both 4.99?
This is kinda expensive right?
Yes this is the best OS i have used ( personal opinion) both on desktop and mobile ( WP 7 ) . And yes im surprised that apps well at least the Xbox apps are expensive. Microsoft want to make their market appealing since they rely so heavily on it. The prices break the flow and turn people away. All I hear from iPhone owners is that they have the same apps for $ 0.99 . Microsoft does have a deal of the week but its not enough. I heard that " BBC " or " CNN " wanted to have their app on the Xbox. Microsoft said that users would have to have a gold account to access it. Then either one on the news companies ( I can't remember who ) opted out. So yes they ask for a lot of money that doesn't seem justified.

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They aren't expensive. I really hate this drive to the $0.99 race to the bottom that ios/android have tuned consumers to expect. In the long run it hurts developers. I mean Toy Soliders Cold War and Hydro Thunder are both $15 games on the xbox and you shouldn't expect more traditional style'd PC games to be dirt cheap.
The tablet version of Fruit Ninja on iPad is $4.99 (or was at iPad 2 launch). They build extra features into the tablet versions to justify the high price (like split screen multi-player!). Don't know what, if any they put in the W8 version, but the iPad version is pretty slick.
Isn't it up to the developers what they charge for their games? Also, I think I read somewhere that Microsoft doesn't take as big a cut from every app sold by a developer as Apple do just so they will get more developers onboard. Oh wait, they charge the same amount per app sold UNTIL the app reaches 25,000$ Worth of sales, after that the developer get's 80% of the Revenue opposed to the industry standard of 70%. Source.

P.S BTW I got Fruit Ninja and Armed for free after I installed the Win 8 Pro upgrade. Don't know why but I was pleasantly surprised, Fruit Ninja works great with a mouse. :)

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