Anyone else dissapointed with no podcast?


New member
Sep 3, 2011
Anyone else kind of sad that Xbox music on windows 8 doesn't have podcast support.
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Personally, I've never listened to a podcast on my PC in my life; all podcasts I listen to are directly from my phone. As long as they don't remove support for that in WP8 (and maybe give us a way to add a custom RSS feed like we can do by syncing through Zune), I'm fine with it.

(Of course, I know that only works in the US, but still.)
Seriously? What is Microsoft doing with all these problems? Podcast support is something that is pretty basic. What a train wreck this whole thing is. I don't want to keep watching but I cant seem to pry myself away.
Yes it sucks ther is no native podcast support. Maybe they are leaving it up to the development community. Can't do pod cast on my phone with no sd card space. I've got too much music and no unlimited data to stream.
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I've never listened to a podcast on my PC either. However, I just downloaded the latest Windows Weekly podcast found here. I am able to view it in Xbox video player.

I do not understand the question about no podcast support. This podcast plays just fine for me. Is there some other issue, or is there something I'm missing here?
I'm sure there will be a podcast app in the store. And I'm sure downloaded podcasts play fine as well.
I am disappointed but Xbox Music's lack of support of podcast but I found an App you guys may be able to use called "Slap Dash Podcasts" just a heads up.
I've never listened to a podcast on my PC either. However, I just downloaded the latest Windows Weekly podcast found here. I am able to view it in Xbox video player.

I do not understand the question about no podcast support. This podcast plays just fine for me. Is there some other issue, or is there something I'm missing here?

Yes links work fine but you can't subscribe to a link and have it auto download ready for offline viewing or listening.

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