How do you add pictures in the People app?


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Ok, this might be me being a complete dipstick but...

How do you add pictures of people in the People App in Windows 8?

I know lots of people who aren't on Twitter or Facebook etc... so the app can't pull in any images.

On my WP7 phone I can obviously add images to contacts (which I thought then sync'd with my Live account) but I can't seem to do this in Windows 8!
In the Release Preview contact pics from my WP were populating in the People app, when W8 went to RTM that fucntion didnt work anymore. Whether a bug or intentional it seems that is no longer supported and stupidly the people app doesnt have that functionality. Looks like no contact pics for now.
I have the issue where some are pulling Facebook pictures and other people are not showing up. A drag considering it is the same people in Mail as well. Amazed that this has not been fixed yet.
Just got a new, first ever, Windows 8 computer for grandma. We proceed to enter some contact info with the People app., because she want to use that new fangled service called Email. We see huge avatars next to the entered contacts, so we decide to send her some pics, via her brand new hotmail address, so she can change avatars to pics. and have them on her new computer. No go, no option, fail!

Seriously Microsoft employees, clear the cobwebs out of your brains and gain some common sense. It's a computer with a hard drive, or did you forget that?
To make matters even worse....
I have most of my contacts on my Lumia 920 configured with pictures. These are pictures that I assigned to the contacts. The Lumia 920 syncs with While I was playing with an iPhone 4S (don't ask why) I configured on it my account. Everything synced to the iPhone, including the contacts, and the contacts had the same pictures showing.
Isn't it a shame that the iPhone can get the pictures via but the web app, the Mail app in Windows 8 or the Live Mail program cannot do the same thing? Why, Microsoft? Why?

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