My thoughts on Windows 8 so far


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
I don't have any touch devices so I installed Windows 8 on my nearly two year old desktop. It's stable and runs fantastic. I haven't done any benchmarks but I don't think it's a stretch to say it's running faster than my copy of Windows 7 Ultimate.

I didn't have any problems with Win7, my system was already stable and capable of doing everything I wanted/needed it to. However, I was incredibly intrigued by Windows 8 since the dev preview and decided to take the plunge. I've been using it since release, and like I said, I'm having a great time with it.

But, full confession, I did in fact cheat by buying a touchpad. The Logitech T650, to be exact. It was a bit pricey, but IMO, it's the best thing next to having an actual Windows 8 tablet and superior to the touchpads on newer Windows 8 laptops.

Using a mouse really just felt like I was running Windows 7 only with a larger start screen. Switching to a touchpad really brought Windows 8 alive for me. The biggest improvement being that I don't have to drag my mouse to numerous corners on the screen. I can make a quick touch gesture and quickly get to the start menu no matter where my cursor is on the screen. A quick swipe from the edge and I can quickly switch between open apps. Scrolling, as you would expect, is far superior with a touchpad. I did have to sacrifice a bit of accuracy but my mouse is still nearby the next time I have to photoshop a picture.

As for Windows 8 itself, I must say, I am kind of surprised how quickly I adopted to using apps from the Microsoft Store. I'm more likely to use the Hulu app, ESPN, or Weather despite having complete access to the regular websites. It's because of convenience. The Hulu app is clean, easy to navigate, plus I can dock it to the side and continue watching my video while I open another app or use the desktop.

Live tiles, along with my touchpad, makes it so convenient to check updates. A quick touch gesture and I can see all my email, social, calendar, sports, and weather updates without opening another window. Another quick swipe and I'm right back to the program I was working in. I can't speak for everyone, but that's cool to me and I hope other people take advantages of live tiles.

That's not to say everything is perfect. Apps like Mail, Xbox Music, SkyDrive and several others still need a little bit more time in the oven. PC Settings and Control Panel need to be implemented better. Apps docked to the side should auto update. Exactly what is a Microsoft Account needs to be less ambiguous. For example, I wasn't aware that signing in with a Microsoft Account would prevent me from using another account. Imagine my surprise when I switched from a Local to a Microsoft Account and then realized that the video I purchased on Xbox Video wasn't available because I used a different email account than the one that's associated with my Microsoft Account.

But as a whole I feel that Windows 8 is a step in the right direction. Most importantly, I feel it's a necessary step. The industry is moving towards inexpensive touch devices and that's where Microsoft needs to be. PC sales are down, tablets are climbing and Microsoft's biggest rivals, Apple and Google, will absolutely devour the portable market unless Microsoft does something. Sure, people will still be using desktops for a long time, but it's a shrinking category and Microsoft will shrink right along with it unless they do something. Not adapting to a changing market is exactly why companies like RIM and Nokia are struggling now.
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I'm running Windows 8 Pro x64 on a 4-year-old laptop, and it runs faster than Windows 7 Professional (don't even get me started on Vista--that was horrible).

I thought I would hate the tiles, since I tried the preview versions of Windows 8 in a virtual machine and did not like it. However, I'm pleasantly surprised.

I've already added a bunch of apps, and I like being able to get updates on news, weather, sports in the tiles.

I also have no issues with switching back and forth from the tiles to the traditional desktop. The shortcuts available via the Windows key are awesome, especially winkey x and winkey c. Alt tab also works well for me.

I have MS Office 2010, but I've switched from Outlook to the new Windows 8 Mail and like it.

Now I'm saving money, since I want a Surface Pro or another tablet with an Ivy Bridge processor and a touchscreen.
Wow that's a mouthful. I can't believe I just read through that. I do agree with you. I have windows 8 running on my laptop and like think this is the best version of windows. Still waiting for some programs to support it though. There are some things I dont like such as the account merging. I created a crappy ms account just for that. There is no way that I will sync my real / personal live account. I also dont like how much s**t you have to go through to switch to the ms account from local account and vise versa.

You can also get " stardock start 8 " if you want the start back for whatever reason.

Wow I just typed a mouthful.
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Another thing I like is that the apps are much less resource intensive than visiting websites for the same thing. For example, I stream radio via the iHeartRadio and TuneInRadio apps which don't use Adobe Flash. If I were to visit the sites using a browser, I'd be stuck with laggy, buggy Adobe Flash.

I also like the native PDF viewer, rather than Adobe Reader.

Given all the issues with lag and security, I prefer not needing to use Adobe products.
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I didn't notice that there is a native PDF viewer. I use " foxit reader " to view or make pdf files. And yes not needing to use flash helps out a lot.
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Windows 8 is fantastic. That's all there is to it. Too many people cry about it, and have never used it. With the news today that MS sold over 40Million Win8 licenses within the first month, I think the numbers speak for themselves. Anytime you can score a Pro license from MS for $39.99 is fantastic.

The performance and out of the box driver support has been phenomenal to say the least. My older Intel Q6600 which I use as a server and encoding device for video has seen an increase of about 20+ fps with Handbrake.

The overall process handling with my AMD X6 box seems to have improved as well, running under less load, and more consistent during gaming and encoding. All in all, I'm very pleased with the OS and the value given, especially considering the OS price point.
I didn't notice that there is a native PDF viewer. I use " foxit reader " to view or make pdf files. And yes not needing to use flash helps out a lot.
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I use CutePDF Writer to convert files to .pdf.
I thought that ms word have converter to PDF built in.
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It does.

I use CutePDF Writer to print to file. Linux print to file allows one to save a webpage as a .pdf, but Windows print to file does not.
Yes you can save Word files directly to PDF in Office 2010 or higher.

I also agree Windows 8 is a fantastic new road for desktop and portable computers. As proven by the experience with the Surface tablet, Windows 8 really comes together in a touch and type environment. As stated earlier, as more touch devices are made available people will learn how great and well thought out the interface really is. Sadly this will take some time.

The Surface Pro will be the one to watch, when people start to "get it".

Surface Pro is definitely on my radar. I need to compare it with the OEMs Windows 8 x64 tablets.

The reason I haven't purchased a new Windows 8 x64 tablet yet is because I'm waiting for Surface Pro.
I dont have a touch screen on my laptop. But keyboard shortcut keys are mapped out so well, the experience is very fluid.
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Surface Pro is definitely on my radar. I need to compare it with the OEMs Windows 8 x64 tablets.

The reason I haven't purchased a new Windows 8 x64 tablet yet is because I'm waiting for Surface Pro.

Same here. While I understand the RT, I just can't have a device that limits the programs (not apps) I can install (regardless if they are designed around a tablet interface). Windows 8 has done a great job in creating a platform that can allow users to operate non-tablet centric applications in a tablet environment.
I think Windows 8 is a great OS, it's really fast, and you can easily get used to it. It is illogical to assume a new OS will react the same as an old one.
Touch sucks on windows 8 unless its a touchscreen that has no bezel. I have a touchscreen 2nd monitor and all I can really do with it is use my finger as a mouse. This is great, but I cannot easily swipe in from the sides or corners. Actually its near impossible. I am downloading the newest AMD catalyst and hopefully I can underscale the touch monitor to have a border inside the frame. Should allow it to work like a surface screen.
Actually that is correct. Any touch screen has to be bezel-less to be considered certified for Windows 8.I think that's why many ultrabooks (that don't have touch) are bezel-less so they are ready to add touch easily to the design.

I just hope manufacturers hurry up and add touch to everything. The selection of touch devices is less then ideal right now. (I'm looking at you HP)

I just installed Windows 8 this morning. I've only had a few hours with it, but I like it so far. It took me a bit to get used to all of the corners; it's still a work-in-progress.

The biggest complaint I have right now is that Xbox Music is a confusing mess. I haven't even touched Xbox Video yet, but it's probably the same.

I'll have to check out that touch pad. When I get some money I'll consider it.
Touch sucks on windows 8 unless its a touchscreen that has no bezel. I have a touchscreen 2nd monitor and all I can really do with it is use my finger as a mouse. This is great, but I cannot easily swipe in from the sides or corners. Actually its near impossible. I am downloading the newest AMD catalyst and hopefully I can underscale the touch monitor to have a border inside the frame. Should allow it to work like a surface screen.

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