Windows 8 high resolution/large screen screenshots


New member
Oct 15, 2012
Hi all,

Every Windows 8 device I've used so far was quite small (tablets and notebooks). I'm curious how Windows 8 looks on, say, a 24 inch monitor with a 1980x1080 resolution. Can someone post some screenshots or pass me a link? Any other large resolution/screen is welcome too!
I have a 23 or 24 inch Lenovo. I can say that the display looks no way near as crisp as my former 27 inch iMAC.

Not sure how a screenshot will help if not viewing in the screen itself.
Hmm... I'm mostly curious if more tiles will fit on larger/higher resolution screens... I think I saw a screenshot somewhere of a start screen with a huge collection of tiles...
That is a crazy amount of tiles. Too many, I think. But yeah, I'm not getting anywhere near that many on my 1920x1080 monitor.
I would love to know how they got that many tiles. I have a 27" 1440 monitor and can only get 7 tiles tall. I wonder how they got 9 tiles tall. Unless MSFT allowed Samsung to have an extra 2 tiles.

The reason the retina macbook has a lot of tiles is simply because they did not set the DPI properly. Windows 8 works fine even up to 2560x1460 or something like that, add or cut a few pixels.

You are fine, and you will be able to see what you are doing :P
Windows 8 looks like it can go to 2880x1800 according to that Anand article. I was talking about all the tiles on that Samsung Series 7 AIO computer.
Tiles. On a laptop, I never see them and it makes me happy. I have my laptop in a dock and 2 22" 1900x monitors, all 3 screens, all I ever see is desktop glorious desktop.
I said the same thing about a GUI some 30 years ago. People just don't understand why they don't need to change. All those icons and stuff are just clogging up new computers screens.

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