What is the dumbest thing you heard from someone about Windows 8


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Apr 1, 2011
My friend said "IE 10 don't have Flash everybody is saying it on the internet" I told her to go to manage add-ons and enable it. Right after that she asked if I find her a iPad(non flash device) on ebay.
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Well I usually hear that ms screwed up vista and released 7. Then just as people started to like them, they went ahead to release windows 8. Or that the search is bad and confusing to use. Or that windows 8 is only good for personal use. Its not efficient for a work environment. Because people want to be working and not trying to figure out how the OS works. Or that it's not pretty. I even had 1 person use my laptop and tell me he couldn't fin his way around. That some program did not work without the compatibility mode and told me to reconsider keeping windows 8. He told me me that if his computer wasn't working well, I could at least be nice and accommodate his needs by going back to 7.
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The most ridiculous thing I hear is: "Windows 8 is ugly."

It's easily the most beautiful OS out there.
The most stupid thing that I constantly hear and read is how bad and difficult W8 is because Microsoft took the start button away. They never try it and see how simple and beautiful the start screen is.

The second dumbest thing I hear is you have to have a touch screen to use W8. Yeah, it's nice to have bur W8 works perfectly with keyboard and mouse.

The third dumbest thing I hear is nobody wants a touch screen on their desktop. Works great for me, And I love browsing websites and ApS with it.
Yeah the dumbest would be the removal of the start button.

Start is actually a full screen start button dummies. Works the exact same way.
Sometimes people tell me if I open ms word. Why does it open on the desktop and not on the start screen. It just doesn't make sense. They are two different screens.
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The most ridiculous thing I hear is: "Windows 8 is ugly."

It's easily the most beautiful OS out there.

You realize this is just a matter of taste?

I find OS X terribly ugly, but most people would likely disagree.

wp8 and w8 are the same thing.

That bugs me too, but someone here at work having a Lumia 920 and Win 8 on his laptop always tells people it is the same. So this is not only coming from ignorant people who don't care about Microsoft, but also from the fanbois, and he really is.
I would have replied with "how many updates did you get?" or "how long of a lag is there to open apps?".

I do say that. Then I get asked are you in such a hurry? Or you can't wait a few second because your time is so precious.
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Updates? Serious? I have a Titan and have received 0 updates in over a year. I would not use that argument.
When I bought all the managers the L710 I had one guy ask why the little "squares "keep flipping out.....
My phone crashed? how so....the squares are all gone see....grr not squares they are live tiles your phone did not crash just hit the windows button. Oh wow..

Now after a year this is the big beef I get

Why can't we have bigger phones?....in the end of the 12 people who got one from us 9 of them went out and bought WP8 devices for there own use.all they had to do was use it. one girls said hey how come this phone never needs to reboot.....it's not Android it's a WP device the day the L920 came out she bought one loves it gave her iphone to her kid which wants a WP8 device lol the tide will turn
"Its got a steep learning curve" is one thing you hear a lot. And its usually from the "Power Users" who can't work out how anything works anymore. :grin:

Windows 8 is definitely the right step for the majority of people. My father in law bought an iPad recently and has been really excited saying that this is the first time he understands a PC. This type of simplicity and consistency of the Metro interface is what most people want - not dealing with malware, firewalls, software installers that take over your system and registry etc
When I first replied to this thread, I wasn't sure if we were talking about W8 or WP8. Since no one I know has cut up on WP8, I posted about W8. Both seem to get laughed at on sites like toms hardware and such.
A gamer friend of mine was saying how Windows 8 is like the Nazi Germany cos of how you cant play any games on it that didn't come through the Win 8 app store. He was siding alot with the stuff from Gabe Newell, but apparently didnt understand half of it.

Then when I was trying to tell him how he's wrong, he brings in Minecraft and Notch and how you can't play Minecraft on Windows 8 cos it's a closed ecosystem. I had to go all the way to download Minecraft, connect to his own server and take a screenshot for him lol.

WP on the other hand is fairly common in Finland due to Nokia so the ignorant comments are quite rare.
Definitely the complaints about the lack of Instagram.. Ugh.
Basing your phone purchase off the lack of an app that you use to edit ridiculous "selfies" and food, or just about anything really.
Society is a huge let-down.
I do say that. Then I get asked are you in such a hurry? Or you can't wait a few second because your time is so precious.
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Ask him what he thinks of solid state drives on laptop/desktop computers.
Updates? Serious? I have a Titan and have received 0 updates in over a year. I would not use that argument.

The difference is Google made a much bigger deal about Android OS updates than Microsoft did with WP7 updates. That and the fact WP 7.5 (which is what I've always had on my HTC Trophy) works a lot better than Android 2.2/2.3 (which is what I've had on my Motorola Droid 2).

To be fair, Android 4.0/4.1 is a considerable improvement over the 2.x versions. On the other hand, I get "pocket app selection" periodically on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus, and I never have had that on any other smartphone I've used extensively (the aforementioned HTC Trophy and Motorola Droid 2, or the Apple iPhone 4). That may due to poor button placement on the Galaxy Nexus (power button on the right side rather than the top, which I hate, plus it is too easy to press the volume controls on that device relative to other smartphones I own).
Dumbest thing. It's Microsoft, so it lags and bluescreens. Yet my techie friend was convinced my titan was quad core it was that smooth. Yet it's a single core. WP 1-0 Android. :D

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