When I first saw the locksceens on the monitor, I flipped out!! I was really excited about it until I logged in. Disappointed, the school doesn't want you to stay in metro environment and forces the user to use the old style windows environment, for instance, IE is gone from the startscreen and Firefox is the default browser, so I had to manually pin IE to the start screen. From the login screen, I have the option to login with Microsoft account, but blocks for some reason :[
With the new office 360 and my 8x, I can finally sync all the calender, share office documents and see in office app and finallllly I can set the mail sync setting to as items arrive!! Hopefully my school can utilize the metro apps in near future
With the new office 360 and my 8x, I can finally sync all the calender, share office documents and see in office app and finallllly I can set the mail sync setting to as items arrive!! Hopefully my school can utilize the metro apps in near future