From A Surface To A Touchscreen Laptop


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I was on the Surface bandwagon from the day it was announced. And I pre-ordered mine and waited patiently for it to arrive.Finally got it in my hands and I really really liked it. I found it much moreuseful than my former Android tablet. But over the last several months, withstudying more for work (IT) and actually needing a full copy of Windows 8 withme at most times. And with my excellent Lumia 920, I started to think howredundant a tablet can me if you use your smartphone a lot. So, I decidedto list and sell my beloved Surface and ended up getting one of those $449.99(at Best Buy) ASUS Q200E touchscreenlaptops. I am actually "digging" the dual nature of using thetouchpad/mouse and then being able to swipe the screen and pretty happy withit. The display for sure is not as clear and sharp as the Surface but for me,it works and I think I'll be more productive. I do hope the Surface succeeds asit is an awesome design but Windows RT and a tablet in general just didn't seemto fit my needs.

Anyone else out there liking touchscreen laptops? I think that's where thefuture may be...
Everyone has different needs. And being in IT as well, I can see where the RT doesn't quite fill all needs for our field. The Surface Pro is much better suited. But then it's not out yet and costs a bit more than your ASUS.

I think touchscreen laptops are the way to go if you are going to use a laptop as your primary device. And let's face it, Windows 8 is best used and enjoyed on a touchscreen.

Congrats on your purchase and glad you are enjoying it.
After using Surface for a month or so I found myself reaching for my screen on my old laptop. Couldn't stand it anymore. I just picked up Vaio with touch screen and love it. I can use whatever best suites my needs. I still use touchpad for some things but use the touch screen much more often. Working between keyboard, touchpad and touch screen, I can fly around whatever program I'm in and it feels good and very quick.

I can't and won't give up my Surface. I still reach for it more often than laptop when I'm lounging around house. Laptop is strictly business and when I need the extra horsepower.

The people complaining about W8 have never experienced it on touch screen. It can't be beat. If people are going to upgrade, its worth the extra dough.
After using Surface for a month or so I found myself reaching for my screen on my old laptop. Couldn't stand it anymore. I just picked up Vaio with touch screen and love it. I can use whatever best suites my needs. I still use touchpad for some things but use the touch screen much more often. Working between keyboard, touchpad and touch screen, I can fly around whatever program I'm in and it feels good and very quick.

I can't and won't give up my Surface. I still reach for it more often than laptop when I'm lounging around house. Laptop is strictly business and when I need the extra horsepower.

The people complaining about W8 have never experienced it on touch screen. It can't be beat. If people are going to upgrade, its worth the extra dough.

I will miss my surface but I didn't have the spare cash to get a touchscreen laptop so sold the Surface but perhaps I may get one again one day. Between my new Touchscreen Laptop and my kickin' Lumia 920, I'm good!
Everyone has different needs. And being in IT as well, I can see where the RT doesn't quite fill all needs for our field. The Surface Pro is much better suited. But then it's not out yet and costs a bit more than your ASUS.

I think touchscreen laptops are the way to go if you are going to use a laptop as your primary device. And let's face it, Windows 8 is best used and enjoyed on a touchscreen.

Congrats on your purchase and glad you are enjoying it.

You are right...wasn't quite what I needed being in IT and Windows 8 pretty much needs a touch screen. I like having the option to use the mouse, then the touchscreen and back to the makes sense.

I'll miss my Surface but this is what I really needed...
I really like my Asus VivoBook X202E (which essentially is a higher-specification Core i3 version of the Q200E version available at Best Buy). Besides the battery life and the fact the computer always wants to default to performance mode, sucking down the battery, I don't have many complaints. (I think the battery issue may be related to toggling between the two different Windows 8 settings.)

Once more "traditional" applications become available for ARM-based versions of Windows 8 (and to me it seems obvious Microsoft wants to move in that direction in the long-term), I think I'll prefer the ARM (RT) route. However, right now I think Windows 8 RT isn't quite ready for prime-time yet.
I think these things will be the future, but currently the prices arnt just "competetive" enough to move normal people from ordinary laptops to touch screen laptops.

That said, I have no use for one. For on-the-go I rather have my Surface than a laptop and at home I have a powerful gaming desktop, although I wouldnt mind having a touch screen for that too, but thats too expensive for sure already :D
I think these things will be the future, but currently the prices arnt just "competetive" enough to move normal people from ordinary laptops to touch screen laptops.

That said, I have no use for one. For on-the-go I rather have my Surface than a laptop and at home I have a powerful gaming desktop, although I wouldnt mind having a touch screen for that too, but thats too expensive for sure already :D

For sure about the touch screen monitors. IPS monitors are finally coming down in price and to go to a touchscreen with IPS (if they even make one) would be very expensive.

I like seeing the diversity of how people use their Microsoft products! :)
I really like my Asus VivoBook X202E (which essentially is a higher-specification Core i3 version of the Q200E version available at Best Buy). Besides the battery life and the fact the computer always wants to default to performance mode, sucking down the battery, I don't have many complaints. (I think the battery issue may be related to toggling between the two different Windows 8 settings.)

Once more "traditional" applications become available for ARM-based versions of Windows 8 (and to me it seems obvious Microsoft wants to move in that direction in the long-term), I think I'll prefer the ARM (RT) route. However, right now I think Windows 8 RT isn't quite ready for prime-time yet.

Exactly...RT isn't quite ready for prime time and thus why I sold mine. Now, my Android tablet wasn't productive either but something about having a "tease" of Windows but not "full" Windows in RT (and the lack of really killer apps...yes, it needs apps right now) pushed me back to a laptop...very happy with this purchase and I hope the Surface will succeed.
I knew from the beginning that RT wouldn't cut it for my needs. I'm going to get a touchscreen ultrabook, most likely something from Lenovo. I'm just waiting a bit longer to see what else introduced at CES gets released. I'll probably make my purchase this spring or summer.
I can't blame you for selling the Surface, especially for your needs. I'm in I.T. as well (this thread is lousy with 'em:cool:) but my surface suits me fine for now as I just use it for connectivity of office equipment, plus it has a nice little RDP client app which I love. When my laptop dies, I'll probably sell the Surface and either choose your route or get some sort of hybrid.
As someone who writes the software for our IT Department and who does a lot of programming on the go, I love my touchscreen laptop. I thought about getting a Surface Pro but a mixture of impatience and needing a larger screen, I opted for the Lenovo Yoga 13. Freaking loving it. I do wish I got a tablet sometimes if only because my office doesn't allow outside laptops into it, but it does allow tablets (and smartphones - trust me, I've brought up how weird that is many times and have been ignored each time).
I am in the same boat. I have a Asus VivoTab RT w/ dock right now. But I am now going to school for IT, and the community college I am attending uses W7 Pro on the PC they teach on. A notebook is required for second year students, but I want to get one now. That way I can do labs/homework while on campus. Once I find out the specs required, I will be selling my VivoTab RT and getting a touchscreen laptop that can dual boot W8 Pro and W7 Pro. :smile:
I knew from the beginning that RT wouldn't cut it for my needs. I'm going to get a touchscreen ultrabook, most likely something from Lenovo. I'm just waiting a bit longer to see what else introduced at CES gets released. I'll probably make my purchase this spring or summer.

Lenovo Yoga? Kinda wish I could have waited for it...
I have a HP TouchSmart Envy, I really like the device even if it's not a powerful machine. It's certainly fast, but the resolution is terrible. I use it mostly to plug in my TV and enjoy the bigger screen.

The touch is not really good. It's not as good as I expected, but for what I ask from it... it's just fine.

The Surface RT is my all time favorite device to date. I love what Microsoft did with it.
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Have a RT, love it for web browsing and movies. also have a X230T mostly for inking and taking notes and using third party apps
You literally have done the exact same thing as me. I had a surface from day one, but realized i needed full windows 8 for college. I bought the asus vivobook touchscreen laptop and am loving it! I put a samsung 120gb ssd in there and its wonderful!
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