corporate exchange and people don't get along?


New member
May 24, 2013
so i've had a lot of trouble get the people app to sync properly w/ facebook, twitter, et cetera. strangely enough, facebook pics for contacts would sync, but new notifications wouldn't actually show up when i went into the app, but would flash as a live tile. when i'd open the app and go to new, i would just get a syncing notification, but nothing would ever sync. i could see contact, but not updates likes new facebook post. the app kind of half worked. so today i decided to uninstall my corporate email account (i.e., exchange) from my surface and boom, the people app immediately synced correctly and fully.

if you're having similar issues, you might want to remove your exchange account from the mail app.
That's interesting. I wonder if it affects all users who have Exchange accounts, or if it has something to do with the particular Exchange configuration.
That's interesting. I wonder if it affects all users who have Exchange accounts, or if it has something to do with the particular Exchange configuration.

i'm leaning towards particular accounts. when i add my work email to a mobile device, the device tells me that that account requires using a password to unlock the phone. perhaps however the corp account is setup interferes w/ the syncing process. works fine on windows phone, though.

i wonder if i can keep my corp. account active in the mail app, but disconnect if from people....
I never had issues with the people hub when I had my work exchange account synced... However, even though it was set to manually sync... I seemed to burn through my 2 GB of monthy data about 3/4 of the way through each month... after removing that email account, I only hit a little over 1/2 of my monthly data at the end of the month... IDK if it was due to syncing all the contacts and security stuff, but as soon as I removed it, my data usage went way down.
Just thought of something... You might be able to add the exchange account back on, but exclude it from syncing on the people hub... I did that cause I didn't want all the people from work cluttering up my contacts.

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