Lenovo Ideapad WiFi

Colby Lee

New member
Jun 27, 2013
Just bought an Ideapad U310.
The only real complaints (other than weight, but it's light enough for me) was over the WiFi not working properly. They must have patched this with Windows 8, because I am impressed with the signal strength and performance thus far. Anyone know of any official patches for this supposed issue?

I was happy to find it at Fry's Electronics for just 499, the going price through Lenovo is close to 800 right now. I was also surprised to see it had an Intel HD 4000. More than enough power for a casual user.
Just bought an Ideapad U310.
The only real complaints (other than weight, but it's light enough for me) was over the WiFi not working properly. They must have patched this with Windows 8, because I am impressed with the signal strength and performance thus far. Anyone know of any official patches for this supposed issue?

I was happy to find it at Fry's Electronics for just 499, the going price through Lenovo is close to 800 right now. I was also surprised to see it had an Intel HD 4000. More than enough power for a casual user.

HD4000 means it is Ivy Bridge, one generation behind. Still a good chip though.

I would go to a Lenovo forum and ask this for the best answers. My guess is that lenovo updated the driver.
I agree with mase123987.

But are you sure that the Ideapad was brand new? Fry's is notorious for selling refurbished products as new. :unhappy:
I agree with mase123987.

But are you sure that the Ideapad was brand new? Fry's is notorious for selling refurbished products as new. :unhappy:

Fry's is absolutely NOT famous/notorious for selling refurbished as new. I have bought from them for years and they are among the best for clearly identifying refurbished products, even to the point of re-boxing in packaging labeled refurbished. Even on their web site, if you click on the link for local availability, it will tell you not only if a store has an item in stock but also if it is new or open box. Please do not perpetuate stuff that is based upon things that happened a decade ago. BTW, the price is low because they are clearing out inventory. Staples is doing the same thing.
Just bought an Ideapad U310.
The only real complaints (other than weight, but it's light enough for me) was over the WiFi not working properly. They must have patched this with Windows 8, because I am impressed with the signal strength and performance thus far. Anyone know of any official patches for this supposed issue?

I was happy to find it at Fry's Electronics for just 499, the going price through Lenovo is close to 800 right now. I was also surprised to see it had an Intel HD 4000. More than enough power for a casual user.
The I7 is $800 on Lenovo's site. The Fry's sale price is for the I3, although I believe some stores may have priced the I5 the same as well. As it is a clearance they probably do have latitude on that front, You can get any hardware driver updates from Lenovo's support site but I believe the WiFi drivers have also rolled out via Windows Update as well. If you have not had problems though I really would not worry about it.
Your right, Lenovo's website doesn't have the i3, however, I did find the cheapest online price to be about 550 according to amazon. At least I know I got a good deal at 499(500). I've been looking and haven't found any updates on that issue, but like you mentioned, if mine's working fine then its okay.

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