what do you mean with "crap load of stuff"? I havent used it in a while but i remember it was just put the cd and end.
same with windvd, but windvd is simplier. and I haven't used Total Media Theatre, but I guess with a lot of stuff as well, since it would even give you something more touch friendly you can run from start screen. also it comes with a plugin to integrate to media center.
I could have easily said PotPlayer which in my opinion its better than VLC and its free (of course you have to look for the English version), but I have never used it as a bluray player. but I searched and it seems that Lifehacker liked it in 2011:
"PotPlayer was developed by the same developer behind
our pick for the best video player for Windows,
KMPlayer. It's free, plays Blu-ray and other HD video, supports discs and ripped video, and even supports HD video embedded in ZIP and RAR archives. It's simple, and doesn't offer the bells and whistles that a lot of the other, more expensive tools do, but if you're looking for a siple, lightweight Blu-ray player, it can't be beat. There are 32 and 64-bit versions available, and there are plenty of skins available so you can customize the look and feel of the player."
maybe you should download a trial of them, and vlc and potplayer to see what its the one that gives you what you need. I kinda want to test Total Media Theatre in a htpc because it looks really good for that. but of course that's not what you are looking for, still it looks like a nice player but it seems it would have too much stuff for what you want.