My screen keep locking up in YouTube web
Don't use any Google services, so I can't tell. Wouldn't be surprised if Google would pull yet another stunt towards MS though...
Just for balance - maybe Microsoft have deliberately or through incompetence crippied IE11 for Google sites?
For me it started last weekend, what's up with that? :|
Easiest solution is to use Firefox, Opera or Chrome.
Have any of those having issues with Google stuff turned on "Tracing Protection" in IE? I've just found that if you turn it off when going to Goggle owned sited things load up quickly.
But using Firefox with Adblock Plus still loads the sites the fastest.
No way I don't want to be Scroogled again
And I thought that kind of advertising had no effect!
So I understand why you don't want to use Chrome. But why not Firefox or Opera?
However, I guess you don't use any Google services so this isn't a problem for you anyway.