Concept Windows 8.5 or 9 (or 10): Threshold UX with integration of Desktop features in Modern UI


New member
Aug 7, 2013
Finally got around to finishing this project. Here it is, my idea of how the Desktop can be integrated in the metro/modern UI.

I know it's not fully polished yet, but I think I've put enough time to get the details in. There are some subtle details that you might not catch since the animations are a tad bit fast. I might add video annotations later. Do enjoy watching it in HD!

P.S. I did not want to use Flash and Photoshop even if I could since the animations and graphics were simple enough.
Nice work and looks good if I was the majority I would go with your concept, the problem maybe that people still need and use the actual desktop but hopefully and the Modern UI becomes more common people will go with the changes happening to Windows :)
This looks great! The only thing is the charms bar looks a little more cluttered and may be confusing for the common user. I would definitely use this though.
Thanks! Yeah, I noticed that as well when I was making the charms bar. I'm figuring out what to change there. I'd add that the window manipulation "charm" will only be present when a window is active/ in focus.

I may also need to make a longer version of each section, specially the Taskbar features like the window count tracking and switching between maximized, minimized and restored windows.
In the future I don't think the desktop should be in a separate "window". Maybe add extra pages of the start screen. But I wouldn't make it separate. I believe they just need to re-optimize their software. And open old programs in a window like you have. I do really like yours ideas though! And good presentation too.
For the start screen, I'm just preserving the separation since I deem it's still a menu. I only had it occupying the same frame (but covering) as the desktop.

I do like how it turned out, but then that sounds like a dog licking his own balls (tee hee hee). I must say I did not time the slides with the music I chose. It all just fell into place. I'm concerned about my use of copyrighted music as background. Not sure how "fair use" is that.
You lost me instantly when I saw the 2 different Start Screens and no Desktop. Too confusing and radical. You basically eradicated PCs.
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Appreciate your hard work. But I do feel the UI is bit complicated and feels a little like ubuntu (beautiful but you still love using windows). am sure you would improvise it further
Well, the draft had Aero style icons for the desktop, but that would have meant inconsistent UI that's why I changed it. The entire premise was to have all of it in Modern UI. Not sure how that "eradicates" the PC... Since it's still a PC, just all in Modern style, not Aero. I'll try using smaller versions of the tiles on the desktop to become as icons. Maybe that would suit your taste.

Yeah, when everything is thrown into all Modern UI, it does become complicated with the number of controls. I think it could compliment with Jay Machalani's separate Desktop/Aero-Metro interface and Modern interface. His Metro-ish desktop would be on the mouse/cursor side. This would be the all touch side (although each side could still be used with their corresponding touch gestures & mouse clicks)

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