Clean install Windows 8.1 with Update 1, activate using original Windows 8 key


Nov 13, 2012
So I tried installing update-1 for Windows 8.1, however KB2919355 wouldn?t install correctly. Luckily Microsoft released new Windows 8.1 ISOs with update 1 included, and I thought it?s always better to reinstall the whole system afresh, as I prefer to do so at least once every year.

I managed to get one of these ISOs, specifically: ?Windows 8.1 with Update (multiple editions) (x64) - DVD (English)?, then copied the ISO contents to bootable USB and managed to use it for formatting my laptop and installing a fresh operating system.

During the installation process I used a generic key (Bing ?windows 8.1 generic key? and you will find one), then once the system is installed I was able to successfully activate it using my original Windows 8 upgrade key that I purchased for $15 during a promotional period late in 2012.

Today my brother was trying to do the same on his Surface Pro which comes originally with Windows 8. He used a tool to extract the product key from his system, however using that key to activate Windows 8.1 with Update 1 didn?t work. We managed to use another tool called RWEverything to extract the actual key from the ACPI, and that key worked correctly to re-activate Windows. My brother gained around 8 GB on his Surface Pro after doing a clean installation of the system.

I hope this information is helpful to you guys. If you are not a MSDN subscriber, unfortunately I can?t talk about where to get the ISOs from as it might be against the forum policy, but this is just to let you know that it?s possible to reformat and reinstall the latest update afresh without having to install Windows 8 or 8.1 then upgrade it manually.
I really wish MS would just put these ISO's on their downloads web site. They've gotten the validation process down, needing valid keys, for installing. I would really make some of us techies lives so much easier if they did.
You know what actually sucks? Updating to 8.1, goddamn it took me around 5 hrs to download the update and another 1 to install it.

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