Bing Maps Preview app (friggin amazing!!!)


New member
Jun 24, 2013
Have you guys tried out the Bing Maps Preview app??? It's separate from the default Maps app.

Bing Maps Preview app for Windows in the Windows Store

It's been talked about in brief news clippings but so many people don't know about it. I remember reading a blurb but never got around to trying it. Well, I tried it this weekend and it blew my mind how great it was! When I read about it, I just assumed it was a few major cities. But I found my hometown of Fresno, California as well as a ton of other cities. The detail is amazing! You zoom in, give it a bit of time to load in the data, and you can see the tiny little details of the city from all angles. I was going from place to place, checking out my old hangouts and all the new changes to the city since I moved away. the building detail is amazing. Went through some new neighborhoods was great, even the lakeside houses.

And Bing Maps have come a long way apparently. Street level views are comparable to Google Maps street level now (though I find navigation a bit easier than the splitscreen view of Bing Maps beta).

Every once in awhile, you find an app that just blows your mind and makes you want to tell your friends. And this is one of them.
Very cool! I remember seeing an article (Windows blog, maybe?), but was busy at the time and forgot about it.

Thank you for sharing that link!

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