Windows 8.1 August 2014 update creates Taskbar issues


New member
Apr 11, 2013
Previous to the August update, Metro apps would cover the entire screen, but now it appears that the taskbar is intermittently sitting on top of Metro apps. It's not a desired behavior and there appears to be no "setting" to resolve the intermittent appearance of the Taskbar when using Metro apps.

In attempts to "fix" the problem, I've noticed that if I bring Metro apps to the foreground, Open the App Switcher and then Right-Click-"Close" the Desktop app, the Taskbar resets and sits in the background again. But eventually the undesired Taskbar behavior returns and starts populating on top of all Metro apps. This is a royal pain when using the Remote Desktop app and Messaging in the Facebook app, where UI elements are at the bottom of the screen.

The alternative, of course, is to set the Taskbar to "Auto-Hide", but man, that drives me nuts in my daily Desktop-working mode.

Is anyone else having this issue or come across a permanent work-around?
I've experienced this on 2 different PC's and my Surface Pro 3.
Update: This issue is caused by the Desktop version of the Citrix Receiver. Closing the Receiver icon in the Taskbar resolves the issue.
I'd post a link to the Microsoft Answers thread that lead me to this resolution, but I can't :/

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