Facebook for 8.1 - Totally Broken


New member
Sep 11, 2012
I know the reviews should speak for themselves, but surprisingly I haven't really heard anyone talk about this on the forums - the Facebook app for Windows 8.1 is totally broken for quite a few people (including myself). After I log in, no data actually populates the different pages. It's really irritating since the desktop Facebook website isn't really touch-friendly. Does anyone have any info on when FB plans to fix this? It's been literally at least 6 months.
i've had a couple of instances where data would not update... but between 2 other PCs, a tablet and a phone, i never bothered to put any thought into it as 4 out of 5 devices seemed to be working fine.
Yeah I have a feeling it has something to do with certain people's accounts. The app doesn't work for me on both my Surface and my desktop computer, and I've reinstalled on numerous occasions, to no avail. Just seems like something they really should have fixed by now, but maybe its not affecting that many people overall.

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