Looking for recommendations on a good touchscreen monitor


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Mar 26, 2013
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Hi all. I recently picked up a desktop running Windows 8.1 with the theory that I would use it with my TV in the living room. After a couple of weeks, I'm finding that I'm just a little too far away to see things comfortably, and don't have a good place to use my mouse and keyboard. So, I'm contemplating moving it into my office to use it a bit more up close and personal. With Windows 8.1, up close and personal works best with a touch screen. And that's where you all come in. Anyone have a good recommendation on a good standalone touchscreen monitor to go with it? I'd really rather spend no more than 300 dollars on it, with a size somewhere between 23-27 inches.


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Dec 21, 2012
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The 23"-27" range might be a difficult find for that price limit. Here's one within your budget albeit 21.5"....
I bought the Dell S2240T HD 1920x1080 touch monitor ($280 US via Dell) awhile back and have had great success with it. Good reviews by others as well.
Dell 21.5" Touch Screen Monitor With Touch Capability
I ended up getting it for a bit cheaper on 3rd party site(tho Dell support is not included via that route), but I've had zero problems...works perfectly.
Fwiw the adjustable 'slide' stand is REALLY nice to position monitor for gaming if you're into that end of things from time to time.

Thought I'd pass the option & review along to consider.

Edit to add (10/10/2014)
currently $255 at Best Buy
Dell 21.5" LED HD TouchScreen Monitor S2240T - Best Buy
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