Missing icons in some Modern UI apps


New member
Jul 12, 2013
Since a couple of days, some Modern UI apps have missing icons for some reason. It doesn't happen in all Modern UI apps but in some it does (some MS apps and some 3rd party apps). This is really inconvenient and I don't have the slightest clue as to how it happened. I already tried resetting the icon cache as per Microsoft's website instructions but to no avail.

Does anyone know how to solve my problem?
This is a fix for windows 8, 8.1, and 10. This is the 2nd from the last resort if the dism tool and sfc tool doesn't work.

Resources: You need your primary Microsoft account and you will need to have the secondary Microsoft account.

In order to restore your apps,
A.)You will need to be signed into your primary account that will have you connected to the store.

B.)Go to the Metro control panel and go to accounts and select disconnect. (This switches you to the local account)

C.)Then login into the local account and go back to the metro control panel again and go back to accounts to sign into your secondary account. Select connect to Microsoft account. (NOTE YOU DO NOT NEED TO VERIFY THE ACCOUNT AND IT IS PERFERED THAT YOU DONT)

D.)Go back to your start menu to check to see if your apps are working again, then go into mail and let it sync with your secondary account.

E.)If they done so correctly then go back disconnect the secondary account, which this will again switch you to a local account.

Last but not least F.)Login again into the local account again go back into the control panel and select accounts and select connect Microsoft account and sign in and verify your primary Microsoft account. You will need to sign into your Onedrive account if you use it.

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